Sunday, April 28, 2013

DIY Ribbon Lamp Shade

Well, things have been mighty crazy around here.  I've been bitten by the spring organizing and purging bug and, at the same time, I've been tackling some random DIY projects.  All this while my husband was out of town for 2 weeks on business.  

For some reason, I go in to overdrive when he's away and so does our family.  My daughter had some dental trauma and an almost-broken collar bone and my dogs killed two ducklings and, this morning, a bunny.  They like to leave me these "gifts" when he's gone.  Isn't that sweet?!  Not!  Thank goodness my husband is back home!  Just in time to fix the garage door that refused to close!  But, I'm rambling.

In the next few days, I'll be showing you the results of all my home improvement efforts.  Today, I'm showing you a lamp shade makeover my daughter and I did and it only took me three paragraphs to get to today's topic!  Ha!

The truth is, "we" didn't really do it together so much as she took a few pictures and told me which color pattern she wanted.  The lamp is for her tween room we recently updated.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Kitchen Organization Show-off

I've been bitten by the spring cleaning bug.  For the last several days, I've been holed away cleaning, throwing away and organizing my kitchen.  So, I thought I would give you a peak inside my drawers and cabinets because I'm so proud of them!

It started with my closet organization project.  Then I saw this post at For the Love of a House and put off a few other areas of my home (like the attic) and started digging in my kitchen drawers.  Before I knew it, I was knee deep in a kitchen re-org.

The worst part of my kitchen was my spice cabinet (next is my pantry), and I'm thrilled with my new and improved spice cabinet!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

God's Beauty and the Tragedy in Boston

If there's one thing I love about living in Texas, it's seeing all the wildflowers in the spring:

It is a beautiful reminder of God's glory and the renewal of life.

It's always a thrill to see the Bluebonnets peeking through the green grass.

Today, one day after the horrific bombing in Boston, I'm focusing on the beauty of nature and God's glory.

For, just as the bluebonnets give us the promise of spring and hope...
the kindness of people came shining through the tragedy of yesterday's bombing.

The evil created by one person was overshadowed by heroism, kindness and love.

My thoughts and prayers are with those in Boston today.

May God's grace and beauty be with you all.

Sharing at:
Finding Home

Monday, April 8, 2013

Organizing My Master Closet

Happy Monday, y'all!

I'm proud to announce that I did it.  I got off my butt this weekend and tackled the beast that has been greeting me every morning for weeks.  The beast that was my master bedroom closet:

Good Lord that's a lot of stuff!!  

Now, let's just be clear...showing you my before closet is extremely embarrassing.  I am an organizing freak, so the fact that I let this room get this out of control is like letting you see me naked.  But, the fact is, life gets busy with a family and there are rooms and areas that just get out of control sometimes.  And, here it is, the sad's a disaster!

It took most of my day Sunday, but I dug deep and got rid of a ton of stuff I didn't need.

Friday, April 5, 2013

This is It: My Dream Kitchen

I found it.  My dream kitchen.  

If I could have any kitchen in the world, I think this would be it.

It is light and bright, warm and rustic.  I love it!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Garden Tours and Outdoor Inspiration

I can hardly believe that Easter is already done.
Yesterday, the sun came out and it hit nearly 80 degrees!
I told my husband that we're going to go directly from winter to summer this year.
He nodded and said, "Don't we always?"
Typical North Texas!

So I decided I'd better get my gardening on.
I mean, I don't want to be sweltering out there in the blazing sun still planting my annuals and moving plants.

So, I started thinking about my garden.  Which got me thinking about gardens in general...which got me browsing through some of my pictures from past garden tours I've attended.
Which kept me indoors, but got my mind on the outdoors!

There is nothing like wandering through a beautiful garden to inspire outdoor gardening.

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