Monday, September 23, 2013

Fall Mantel 2013

I have a confession to make.

Growing up in Minnesota I didn't really like fall that much.

In fact, I usually dreaded it.

I didn't want fall to arrive because it meant the end to an already short summer.  

Goodbye warm temperatures and hello long, long winter.

Friday, September 20, 2013

My Favorite Project {Favorite Things Friday}

You're probably tired of seeing it.

Oh, that old thing again?  

Yes, I'm showing it to you again.

Just for a minute.  I promise.

Because, frankly, I never get tired of it.

Every time I walk by my dining room, I stop to gaze at her a little.

Yes, it's a "she."  She's my blue china hutch.

And I love her.

It makes me happy to see her sitting there in all her Old Violet glory.

If you're new here and haven't heard me brag on her before, then stop on over at "Girl in the Garage" to read about how I transformed her in to the beauty she is today.

I'm guest posting there today.

You can browse all of Jen's beautiful transformations and then you can stop back here and let me know all about it.

Happy Friday!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Rachel Ashwell's Couture Prairie {And an Invitation}

I love what I call, "coffee table" books.

I have a stack of them on my coffee table and tucked away in other places of my home so I can browse through their beautiful pictures whenever I'm in the mood for a little inspiration and eye candy.

There's a new book that is being released that I'm very anxious to get my hands on.

Rachel Ashwell, the founder of Shabby Chic, has written a book called, "Couture Prairie and Flea Market Treasures."

In it she's sharing pictures in and around Round Top, Texas and even her "little" bed and breakfast, The Prairie.

I say "little" because it's actually a compound of individual buildings each styled and beautifully decorated by Rachel herself.

I love seeing her comfortable, feminine style mixed with the rustic Texas style.

After all, isn't that what my blog is about?  Mixing my more feminine style, with my husband's rugged Western tastes?  Finally, a book aimed right at me!

Here's what the press release about her new book says:

Here Rachel’s inspired finds, her creative imagination, eye for detail and her commitment to beauty, comfort and function have finally come together in one location: The Prairie by Rachel Ashwell – an irresistible destination. This book takes Rachel in a new direction, bringing her eye for cherished patinas and pastel prettiness into the endless landscapes and diverse architectural styles of Texas. Here you will see how her style adapts to corrugated metal sheeting and weathered timbers and how it brings new life to elegant period mansions. Chapter by chapter, the book leads you through Rachel’s little houses on the prairie, from the Ranger’s Lounge where hearty breakfasts are served, to the Pearl Barn, scene of wedding parties and celebrations, stopping off at the evocatively named guest accommodation: Blue Bonnet Barn, Cornflower Cottage, Meadow Manor, Faith Cottage and Liliput Lodge.

Doesn't it sound inviting?

Speaking of...I received this invitation this week and now I get to share it with you!


Unfortunately, I won't be able to make this date with the lovely Rachel and get to meet her in person.
But, if you're free on October 1 and can get yourself over to Round Top at Rachel's place, please go and then tell me all about it!

You can bet that I will be ordering her new book and getting inspired by all of the beautiful pictures.

On another note...don't forget, I will be in Round Top (with Randi from Dukes & Duchesses) on October 5, for our Hometalk Round Top blogger event.

If you would like to go and meet us there, please RSVP below.

We'll be shopping the Round Top Antiques Fair and maybe we'll even drive by Rachel's place - can't wait!

By the way, Rachel Ashwell's book is published by CICO books and is available at Amazon.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Painting Pumpkins with Chalk Paint

I really love decorating with the "real thing" whenever possible.

Real pumpkins, real gourds, real get the idea.

But, I live in Texas.

It is not always practical to decorate with the real thing.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Fall Decor Sneak Peek

Every year when I go in the attic and open my fall boxes, it's a little like opening a present.

What's going to be in there?

It's always a little bit of a surprise.  

There are things I had forgotten about.  

And some new things to add.

It's fun to tweak things, fluff and play around.  

But, it takes me awhile.  It doesn't happen for me in a day.

So, today, it's just a sneak peek.

Hopefully, next week, I'll have it all done.

It's beginning to look like fall around here!

Happy Friday!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Fall or Halloween Decor?

When September comes, I start thinking about fall decorating.

But, I have to admit,  I'm a little torn.

Do I decorate for Halloween first?  Or just fall in general?

I tend to decorate for fall in general and then add Halloween as the holiday draws closer.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Easy Grapevine Wreath Pumpkin

I think I lost 5 pounds in sweat on Saturday.

Both of my kids had soccer games and the temperature soared to 100 degrees Fahrenheit.


Friday, September 6, 2013

Two Big Prizes, One Awesome Giveaway

Happy Friday!  I'm so excited to bring you this awesome giveaway today.   

I am helping my blog friends, Jen and Shanna, celebrate their one-year "blogiversaries" by giving you a chance to win two fantastic prizes.  

Enter for a chance to win at the bottom and also stop by Jen and Shanna's blogs
 to wish them a Happy Blogiverary! 

Girl in the Garage and Restoration Redoux: 

There will be TWO winners:
1st prize- $225 gift card to Target

2nd prize- $100 Plum Box filled with all kinds of goodies from Pick Your Plum!

Just follow the directions in the Rafflecopter below!
(Sorry, U.S. only)
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Hometalk Round Top Blogger Event

If you're a blogger and you live in Texas (or you just want to drive here) I've got a really great "Blogger's Day Out" event to share with you.

I am teaming up with Hometalk and Randi from Dukes & Duchesses at the Round Top Antiques Fair on October 5, 2013 for the Hometalk Round Top Blogger Event.

Dukes and Duchesses

Randi and I will be road tripping to Round Top and we are inviting you to meet us there!

Source: Fathomaway

It will be a day full of shopping, socializing and fun!  We will also have a little challenge to find something fabulous that we want to "flip" -- sort of like Flea Market Flip.

If you're a blogger and you're interested in being a part of the Round Top Antiques Fair blogger event on October 5, you will need to RSVP to reserve your spot.  

The blogger event is free but you will be responsible for your own transportation, lodging, meals, etc.  Cost to get in to the Antiques Fair is $10.

It's going to be a lot of fun so I hope to see you there.  Oh, and you can bring a non-blogging friend, too if you want.  Can't wait to see you on October 5!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Banana Oatmeal Pancakes {& Pleasing Everyone}

I have a feeling I'm not alone when I say that cooking for a family is no piece of cake.

Mr. Longhorn only wants heart-healthy, low-sugar, and mostly organic food.

Little Miss Pumpkin wants anything sweet.

Cowboy likes about 20 things rotated on a regular basis.  According to him, we must not try new brands of anything because it might make his food taste different. And different is not a good thing.

Maybe because I have a death wish, or because I am trying too hard to achieve the impossible and please everyone, I actually try new things once in awhile.

Like this recipe for Banana Oatmeal pancakes.

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