Garden Tours and Outdoor Inspiration

I can hardly believe that Easter is already done.
Yesterday, the sun came out and it hit nearly 80 degrees!
I told my husband that we’re going to go directly from winter to summer this year.
He nodded and said, “Don’t we always?”
Typical North Texas!

So I decided I’d better get my gardening on.
I mean, I don’t want to be sweltering out there in the blazing sun still planting my annuals and moving plants.

So, I started thinking about my garden.  Which got me thinking about gardens in general…which got me browsing through some of my pictures from past garden tours I’ve attended.
Which kept me indoors, but got my mind on the outdoors!

There is nothing like wandering through a beautiful garden to inspire outdoor gardening.

I go on home garden tours whenever I can because I love the eye candy and because I’m hoping, just maybe, some of their knowledge and talent will rub off on me if I go.

I took these pictures a couple of years ago at different homes on two separate garden tours.

This yard was GORGEOUS and very large.  
Now, being a native Minnesotan, I have always thought that Texas gardens aren’t quite as lush and green as their northern counterparts, but honestly, these yards give the cooler weather gardens a run for their money.  I  know my pictures are a bit washed out (I was using a different camera back then) but, trust me, they are lush and vibrant with color!
These gardeners know what plants work in this climate and they have expertly put them all together to create  some seriously beautiful yards.
Here is one of my favorite vignettes in this garden.  
Look closely…there’s a live bunny in this cute little greenhouse!

Oh, and did you notice the gorgeous flowers and lush greenery surrounding the greenhouse? Beautiful!
The next yard was a show stopper. I wish I had more and better pictures to share with you.

It’s very shaded backyard backs up to an open field full of yellow 
wild flowers — which was totally peaceful and gorgeous.  
 I could definitely sit on that outdoor couch and enjoy a cold iced tea or two on a hot Texas day.

This yard makes me forget where I am.

The owners frequently travel through Europe and wanted a yard that reminded them of their travels.
Retaining walls with vines and lots of shade-loving plants make it look like it’s been there for a very long time — it’s actually fairly new construction.

The yard consisted of “rooms” some requiring a walk through trellis-covered walkways and some taking you up stone stairways or paths.   It was amazing!

This birdbath-turned-planter is from France — over 100 years old — and they had it carefully shipped back home to Texas.

I really didn’t take enough pictures and couldn’t capture the overwhelming beauty of this yard and home.  Trust me, it was spectacular.
Here is a small glimpse of their pool area and deck. 

Even with my poor quality pictures, it’s still very pretty.
But, here’s what got me thinking about these pictures today and why I started browsing through them.
This cute little side porch.  It was absolutely charming.

I love how it’s styled and full of all of her fun little treasures. 
Look at the stacked birdhouses in front of old shutters… 
and the flying pigs and that herb sign!

One of the birdhouses is in the way, so if you’re having trouble reading it, the sign reads:
“So many herbs, never enough thyme.”
Speaking of herbs…she had containers full of them.  

This was my personal favorite:

I love the old wash tub packed full of lettuce, 
lavender and other herbs tucked here and there.
I picked up some herbs this weekend and I’m trying to decide where to plant them.  That’s what got me thinking about this garden.
Now if only I had an old wash tub….then I could plant my herbs, create a garden in a tub, create a cute little porch vignette and so on….
This is always how it starts…big dreams and big ideas.  But, then I turn on my computer and get lost on Pinterest or in past garden tour pictures and keep dreaming!

Here’s to your garden dreams today!

Linking up to:
Between Naps on the Porch
Rain on a Tin Roof
Cedar Hill Ranch
Savvy Southern Style
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  1. says:

    What beautiful yards! Great inspiration. I love yards that have lots of flower beds and unique points of interest instead of just an expanse of grass.

  2. Now you’re talking my language! If you see some tours coming up please let me know. I’m trying to find out about some and put them on the calendar. We’ve always done garden tours and the water garden tours in Oklahoma City. Can’t wait to go to some here. I know the South Lake tour is April 28th 10-4.

    Have you ever done the McKinney tour? It’s every other year but I love to go. :)

  3. absolutely beautiful! i love all of the layers going on in each flower bed. I’ve had a tough time layering my plants so that they stagger in height and foliage color. Thanks for sharing the inspiration and linking up at Give Me The Goods Monday! Features will be posted Sunday!!!
    Amy @

  4. Jeremy Beauregard says:

    I’ve never been on a garden home tour before, but seeing these pictures made me want to go on one. I think it’ll be a great way to get inspiration for my own garden and landscaping design, as well as to see what layout works best for the size of my garden firsthand. Thanks for sharing, Julie!



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