About Me

Hello and welcome -- I'm so glad you're here!

My name is Julie and I'm a native Minnesotan living in Texas with my husband and two kids.

This blog is about my passion for all things home.  It is my deep desire to create a home my entire family can enjoy.  I love good home cooking, baking and crafting and I also like to dabble in DIY projects -- especially painting furniture. This blog is my place to document my projects and do some online dreaming.

So, you’re probably wondering about my blog name.  It always seems to raise a few eyebrows. 

To me, my blog name sums up the differences in tastes and styles in my household. Let me give you a little background to explain:

In case you’re unfamiliar with the lilac (which, I've discovered, is true for many Texans), it is a gorgeous flowering shrub which grows in more northerly climates.  It has rich, green leaves and produces beautiful billowing flowers that are unbelievably aromatic.  Oh, how I love the lilac! 


They’re next to impossible to grow here in Texas.  I bought one that was supposedly adapted to this state.  Not only did it give up in the unrelenting August heat, but the variety suited for southern climates does not have the same glory or splendor of the lilacs of the north. If there is one plant I could grow here, the lilac would be it.  To me, it kind of represents my overall style.

I love northern cottage gardens and pretty fabrics of all kinds, dishes on the wall, Scandinavian country decorating, farmhouse wares, and traditional, classic things that don’t go out of style.  I enjoy casual, comfortable living that is practical for my family.

Source: Heather Bullard

Source: BHG

Source: Classic Casual Home

My husband, on the other hand, is a Southern boy.  He grew up spending summers on his uncle’s ranch in Texas near the border of Mexico.  He loves the rugged Southwest.  He likes yuccas and cacti and loves big old windmills and Texas longhorn cattle.  When it comes to décor in the home, he likes lots of wood -- wood floors, wood blinds, wood furniture and no rugs (but a cowhide will do).  He likes leather and very little fabric.  He loves the Texas Hill Country and feels at home in a simple, rustic environment.

Traditional Exterior design by Dallas Architect John Lively & Associates

Modern Kitchen design by Austin Architect Rob Sanders Designer - Custom Home/Remodel Design

So, “Lilacs” and “Longhorns” got married 13 years ago and so did their styles.  Except, it’s taken me almost our entire marriage to figure out how to best blend the two!  It didn’t help matters that I moved into HIS home that was already filled with leather and cowhide and he didn’t want to change it.

About a year into our marriage we moved into a new home together, but the Western décor came with us and my struggle continued.

This blog is my creative outlet.  It is where I share my decorating struggles, my victories, my love of good home cooking and yummy baked goods.  I also show DIY projects I've tackled as well as crafts that I do with my kids.  This is also a place where I dream.  There is so much inspiration online and my blog is a place where I can share what I find.

Thank you so much for coming here and reading my little piece of the blog world.   I hope to meet some new friends who share my passion for all things home!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Julie! Am I ever glad that I happened onto your blog! I have related to every one of your decorating dilemmas. Although I am myself a Texan, born and raised in the Texas Panhandle, I have a passion for white painted cabinets, floral prints and an overall traditional, cottage/farmhouse style. My husband, on the other hand loves natural wood, leather furniture and is also very "there" in the decorating and styling of our home. I moved to his home in South Texas, as well, when we married 18
    yrs. ago and we are still there. It has taken a while, I have finally been able to incorporate "me" into the home somewhat, but when I saw the photos of your home, I was so excited to see how you were able to actually blend all of these components together into your space without it feeling hodge-podge. It has a feeling of cohesiveness and I can see the separate personalities that have come together in your lovely home. Thank you for sharing! I am so happy that you are there for me in blogland. I am excited to bring even more of myself into my home with your inspiration!


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