Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Potting Bench Inspiration

Every spring I start thinking about my yard and my garden and inevitably, 
all that thinking leads to dreams of potting benches and potting sheds.

There are so many styles and ways to create a potting bench without spending a lot of money so
I really have no excuse for not having one!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Tween Girl's Room Reveal

I know it's taken me forever to get these pictures posted, but I'm finally ready to reveal my daughter's updated bedroom!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Healthier Baked Potato Soup Recipe

Yes,  I know, it's officially spring and I should be posting about all things green and fresh and airy, but we're actually experiencing a bit of a cold snap and some rain here in North Texas and I know much of the country is going through even more winter-like weather than we are.

So, it seemed like the perfect time to share my healthy version of baked potato soup - because, today's weather is putting me in the mood for some warm and yummy comfort food.  If you're feeling the same way today and don't want to bust your diet, I think you'll like this version of baked potato soup!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Lost in Stay-at-Home Land

My blogger friend, Stephanie, created a tag line for her blog that reads: "Lost in Stay-at-Home Land."  I love that.  Today, is definitely one of those days where I feel like I'm lost staying at home.

I'm vacuuming, doing laundry, throwing away all kinds of collected junk that the kids saved for who-knows-what-reason.  It's easy to get lost and feel like it's all so meaningless.  Wash, clean, pick-up, repeat.

I was feeling bad for leaving my blog neglected  this week so I thought I would do a little something and post a thought for the day.  When I looked on my "Words of Wisdom" Pinterest board for inspiration this quote jumped off the screen:

Now I feel better.  I think I'll try to memorize it while I'm scrubbing toilets.  Ha!

I hope you're having a great day -- and I really do appreciate the fact that you come here to read what I have to share...even when it's short and a little lost!

Monday, March 18, 2013

A Little Easter Decor {My Mantel}

Easter is sneaking up on us quickly this year.

Fortunately, my Easter decor is simple. 

It's mostly confined to my fireplace mantel so it doesn't take much time to assemble.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

My 8-year-old daughter came down to my bedroom this morning with a green bow in her hair.

She's not usually the bow-in-the-hair type, but today is Saint Patrick's Day and she's celebrating! (By the way, she has Irish genes but I'm pure Scandinavian.)

She asked me if I was wearing anything green today.

I was wearing blue pajamas.  Ooops!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

From the Mountains of Taos to the Mountains of Laundry

It's Spring Break this week and for the last five days I've been in Taos, New Mexico skiing with my family.

The kids really blossomed with their ski skills this year.  They did so well and I'm so proud of them!

Now we're home and it's back to reality:

Guess what I'm doing today?!

Hope you're all having a great week!  I'll be back soon with some Easter decor around my house.  

Have a great day!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Making Your Own Silhouettes {re-post}

It's Spring Break this week so I'm busy with my family, but didn't want to leave my blog unattended all week.  So, I thought it might be fun to re-post one of my first posts when hardly anyone knew this blog existed!

This is one of my favorite easy projects and I love silhouettes.  It seems like they're everywhere!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Spring Place Setting

I love the colors of spring.  It's all so fresh and pretty, don't you think?

I found a few spring things for my table and thought I'd take them for a test drive to see if they're keepers or if they need to go back to the store.

This is just a quick try at mixing it all together.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Spring Is Here!

It's been crazy busy lately.  So busy I've barely stopped to notice my surroundings.

Then, on my walk back from bringing my daughter to school, I saw it...

Spring is here!

I know many of you are still in the middle of snow storms and spring seems so far away, but if it's happening here, it will be on your way soon.

Monday, March 4, 2013

How to Find a Bargain

I love a good bargain and I love the thrill of the hunt!  Even if I win the lottery someday, I will still browse clearance racks, find deals and frequent garage sales.  I just love the glory of scoring something at a fraction of retail price or -- even better -- completely free!  What's not to love about that?!

I found a fantastic deal on mirrors at Target this weekend and they weren't even on sale proving the point that it doesn't have to be on sale to be a great deal.  My find got me thinking about how I find my great deals, so today I thought I would share my tips for bargain hunting with you!

Here are just a few tips for scoring a great deal on things that you love!

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