Friday, August 30, 2013

How to Reupholster a Chair

Yes.  It's true.  I'm a cheapskate.

I blame it on my dad.

He is a first-rate bargain hunter.  Finding name brand clothes for 75% off.  Rummaging through flea market tables.  Making things himself to save money.

It's in my genes.  I was defenseless I tell you!

That's why I had to reupholster my dining room chairs myself.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

How to Remove Decoupage

I have a problem and I've passed it on to my daughter.

It's called, never being totally satisfied with a room, even when I've claimed it's done.

Case in point, my daughter's tween bedroom.

There are just a few small details that we both wanted to adjust.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The First Day of School

I sent my babies off to their first day of school this morning.

It seems just like yesterday they were little and home with me all day -- or even just starting kindergarten.  

Now, they're in the third and sixth grades.

My, how time flies.

Since I haven't been blogging as regularly while the kids were home on summer vacation, I thought I would get back at it today with some gusto.

Then, baby kitty got bored without the kids playing with her constantly and she walked all over the computer, disconnected the Wi-fi, hit the caps lock, made the computer beep and all sorts of other things.   Then she got cozy, started purring and fell asleep.

So, I decided there would be no serious blogging today after all.  I went shopping sans kiddos and enjoyed a few free hours to myself!

How was your day?

I'll be back tomorrow with a new post -- if kitty stays off my keyboard.
Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Pre-teen Boys Room Ideas

It seems like just a few years ago I was picking out fabrics for a baby boy's nursery.

Then, just a few short weeks later (not really) we were moving my son upstairs to a big boy room.

Then, after a blink of an eye, he told me his room was too baby-ish and we tweaked it to be fit for a tween boy.

Yesterday, my son came to me and told me that he wants an update to his room.


He's going in to sixth grade and he tells me he's a pre-teen now.

Which means he needs a cooler, hangout space.

Pre-teen?!  What?!


How and when did this happen?!

I haven't shown you the entirety of my son's room before.  Mostly because it's usually a jumbled mess.

Legos and various stuff on the floor.

Shoes here and there.

Odds and ends on his desk and bedside table.

Things that are still there, yet this "pre-teen" wants a cooler, more masculine room update.

Friday, August 16, 2013

My Paint Colors

I receive a lot of questions about the paint colors used in my home.  
Here they are:

Pebble Stone
by Behr

Dining Room:
Weekend in the Country
by Valspar

Living Room:
Valley Hills
by Behr

Master Bedroom:
Springfield Tan (AC-5)
by Benjamin Moore

The kitchen color is unknown.  It's the color the builder used and I have no idea what it is - sorry!  The kitchen is due to be freshened up, so if I find the color, I will be sure to let you know!

Girl's Tween Bedroom:
Mystic Fairy
by Behr

Thanks for looking!

Sharing at: 
Cedar Hill Ranch

Favorite Things Friday and a Guest Post

Happy Friday!

Before I get to my favorite things for this Friday let me tell you that I am very excited to be guest posting over at Debbiedoos today!  Specifically, she invited me to share my home tour at her place and I am so honored and happy to be doing just that.

Please head on over there (after reading this post, of course) and pay Debbie a visit and see what room I'm sharing that I've never even shared here on this blog before!

*****, because I was working on my home tour for Debbie it got me thinking about my favorite rooms and how I like to decorate.  Or, maybe I should say how I HOPE to decorate my home someday.

I pinned some really beautiful rooms and vignettes this week that I'm sharing with you today.  These pictures make me swoon.

My first pins are from The Lettered Cottage.

Layla lives down the street from these lovely people who are lucky enough to live in this beauty -- so jealous!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Master Bedroom Update

I love a comfy, peaceful and beautiful master bedroom.

Problem is, I've struggled for years trying to make mine all those things.

After going back and forth for several months with all kinds of master bedroom re-do plans (see those posts here and here), I finally settled -- for now -- with a fresher look.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Getting Creative at Home Tour Round-Up

I had a great time last week during our Getting Creative at Home tour!

Thank you so much for visiting, commenting and following me and everyone else!

It was fun meeting new bloggers, browsing new blogs, seeing amazing projects and finding new followers and friends in the blog world!

Linking up to: 
Between Naps on the Porch

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Inspiring Pallet Projects {Favorite Things Friday}

If you've been browsing DIY blogs and/or Pinterest over the last couple of years, you are bound to run in to something that was made using old pallets.

I was driving through the Lowe's parking lot the other day and spotted a whole stack of them.  

It got me thinking about all the cool pallet projects I've seen 
and how much I want to tackle one some day.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Milk Paint and Indecision

A couple of weeks ago I saw this gorgeous painted secretary at Miss Mustard Seed.  It is painted her new "Artissimo" color in her milk paint line.

Posted at Miss Mustard Seed

Let me tell you, it had me at "hello."


If you've been hanging around here for any time at all, you know I love blue.  

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Getting Creative at Home Blog Tour {Day 2}

I am excited about the Getting Creative at Home blog tour.  Yesterday, I shared the spotlight with four other crafty and talented bloggers:

Today, five new blogs are up:

Tuesday, Aug. 6:
Designer’s Sweet Spot
Design Dreams by Anne
Country Design Style
Shabby Art Boutique
Cupcakes and Crinoline

I hope you are enjoying meeting new bloggers and seeing all of their great projects as much as I am.

When you visit their blogs, please remember to show them some love by commenting and following them on social media.

Thanks so much for taking part in our "Getting Creative at Home" series!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Getting Creative at Home Blog Tour -- Day One {My Favorite Project}

Paint projects, decorating, DIY...those are just some of the fun things that were going on at the Haven Conference last weekend.

In case you're not familiar, Haven is a conference for home and DIY bloggers.  They get to laugh, have fun, practice DIY projects and meet other bloggers.  I hated to miss it!

So, 24 of us decided to have our own fun and and share it with you!

For the next 5 days you'll get to meet some new bloggers, browse great projects and be a part of our own "Haven at Home" tour!

If you are new here, welcome!  I would love it if you would leave me a comment letting me know you stopped by!

Today is Day One, and we are visiting the following blogs:

Copper Roof Interiors
The Crafty Woman
Colors Mixed Together
The Rustic Pig
Lilacs & Longhorns

So that means that today I'm up on the starting block and I'm posting about one of my favorite projects.

If you've visited my blog lately, you can probably guess what it is!

It's my dining room makeover.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

An Old Washtub

I'm lucky to have a very sweet mother-in-law.

She is nice, sweet-tempered and treats me like her own daughter.

And, every so often she comes bearing cool gifts.

This is what she bestowed upon me earlier this week:

She got it a long time ago and never got around to fixing it up so she gave it to me!  

It's my lucky day!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Getting Creative at Home Blog Party {Meet Some Great New Blogs!}

What do you do when a bunch of your blogger friends (and ones you haven't even met yet) get together for a fabulous DIY/Home Blogger conference to connect and talk about home stuff without you?

You get busy rounding up other blogger friends who are in the same boat and throw a "Getting Creative at Home" blog  tour party!

Yep.  While the other bloggers are away at the highly fun and enviable Haven Conference, we decided to join forces and have fun at home and share it with you because we're nice like that. lol

Starting Monday, 24 Home and DIY bloggers are taking you on a tour showing you our best DIY projects, room re-do's, crafts, home tours and tutorials.  Doesn't it sound like fun?!  We thought so!

Here's the schedule:

Monday, Aug. 5:
Copper Roof Interiors
The Crafty Woman
Colors Mixed Together
The Rustic Pig
Lilacs & Longhorns

Tuesday, Aug. 6:
Designer’s Sweet Spot
Design Dreams by Anne
Country Design Style
Shabby Art Boutique
Cupcakes and Crinoline

Wednesday, Aug. 7:
Bargain Hunting with Laurie
2 Little Superheroes
Stow and TellU
My Soulful Home
Glitter Glue and Paint

Thursday, Aug. 8:
The Vintage Nest
A Few Miner Adjustments
What Meegan Makes
One More Time Events
Sweet Song Bird

Friday, Aug. 9:
Circa 1929
Elegant Nest
A Nest for All Seasons
Pennywise blog

This is a great opportunity to see some great projects, browse new blogs and make some new blog friends. It's almost like being a part of the Haven Conference.  Plus, it's FREE!  

Start here on Monday to see the first five great blogs and keep following all week.  On Monday, August 12, we'll post a round-up of all the great projects for you to see on one page.

I'm looking forward to a fun week of touring blogs!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Our Newest Family Member

Summer is always a crazy time with the kids.  Camps, family trips, swimming, sleepovers, etc.  We are always crazy busy.

But, this summer, we welcomed a new kind of crazy.

For some random reason, we decided to welcome a new family member into our home.

Meet Cinder Ella.

Cinder for short.

We just adopted her from our local Humane Society and we are crazy about her.  

All 2.2 pounds of her!

Yes, we already have THREE pets.  

Yes, we already believed that our "inn" was full.

But, for some reason, we decided that we needed another cat.

Are we nuts?


But, we are in love with her.  She's the perfect fit for our family.

And, she has already settled in to the chaos. 

Welcome home, kitty!

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