Monday, December 31, 2012

2013 Dreams

I'm not one to make New Year's resolutions but I definitely come up with a list of projects for my home each year.  And, much to my husband's dismay, I never have a shortage of projects! Lucky for him, I only recruit his muscle once in awhile. (Smile.)

Here's a quick run-down of what's on my radar in 2013:
  • Figure out a solution for my back entry/laundry area.  Problem:  no place to put keys, purses, sunglasses, the usual stuff that we bring in the door and set on the kitchen counter or island.  I'm tired of the clutter in my kitchen!
  • Updates to my kitchen.  This one gets a little expensive.  We need new double ovens and we're talking about replacing our cooktop and microwave as well.  I also want to paint my kitchen cabinets (still working on hubby on that one...he likes the stained oak).  So a mini-makeover is definitely on my radar!

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Favorite Projects from 2012

I have made a lot of changes to my home this year and have shared many of them here on my blog (I've only been blogging about 5 months).  It's fun looking back to see what I've accomplished, so I'm doing a "year in review" of my favorite projects of 2012. 

Click on the headings if you want to read the original posts.

1.  Ordinary Closet Turned "Mud Closet"

Friday, December 28, 2012

A New Year, A New Look

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!  My holiday was (and still is) very busy and full of family.

Hopefully, you have noticed something different here at Lilacs & Longhorns -- my new blog design!

To celebrate the start of a new year and the fact that I have now been blogging regularly for more than 5 months, I'm updating and upgrading the look of my blog.

For those of you who have been hanging out here for awhile, you'll know that I have been messing around with my appearance for awhile.  It's kind of been like a decorating project for me (only I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing).  I move a chair here, put a new lamp there. 

But, like with some projects, I just couldn't get comfortable with how it turned out. (Could it be my lack of web savvy?)

So today, I'm getting a complete makeover and it was done by someone who knows what she is doing. As much as I love a good DIY project, sometimes I just need a little help to set the world all right.  Creating web graphics is just not my thing. 

The lovely and talented Emma from The Midnight Creative designed my blog template.  And, she is offering readers of my blog a discount for her fabulous services (for a limited time)! 

Not only is Emma very creative and talented, she is super fast and very helpful.

As a sidenote, I think it kinda cool that we live in entirely different countries and even different hemispheres.  (Isn't the Internet great that way?!)  She is in Australia (where it is summer) and, as you know, I live in the U.S. in Texas where we just had snow on Christmas day.

I just love the fact that two people a world away from each other can meet and collaborate on a project together!  While I often have a love/dislike relationship with technology, this is for sure my favorite thing about it.  I mean, many of you fantastic readers are living in different countries right now.  I love that!   

So, today, I'm starting off a new year of blogging and am very excited about the future and what it holds.   I'll be posting soon about my upcoming project plans for the new year. 

In the meantime, thank you so much for continuing to come here and reading my little ol' blog.  I am flattered that you read what I have to say and that you leave so many sweet and kind comments!  I am so grateful for every one of you.

Happy New Year!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Our Holiday Traditions

Holiday traditions are a big deal around here. 
It all starts with setting up the tree and my kids are always eager to help decorate.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Winter Wonders & Holiday Happenings Link Party Features

It's feature time!

Thank you all for linking up to the 
 Winter Wonders & Holiday Happenings Link Party!

Claiming Our Space along with Black Fox Homestead, Life with the Hawleys,  Practically Functional, The Thrifty Rebel,  Yellow Spool  and myself are sharing our favorite link-ups today!

We have each selected two projects/recipes to feature so make sure you stop by all of the co-hosts blogs to see which link-ups have been featured.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Christmas Cookies {Sugar Cookie Cut-outs & Kid-Friendly Gingerbread Cookies}

I haven't done as much Christmas baking as I like to do this year.  Unfortunately, we've had a case of the flu around here and it's slowed down all my usual Christmas cooking baking and prepping (not to mention blogging). 

It looks like we're getting back to health (fingers crossed) and I'm finally getting around to posting about the two kinds of Christmas cookies we have made this holiday season.  And, of course, they are a team effort.  My kids love to help!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

A Heavy Heart

It is just not possible for me to let today pass without saying something about what happened yesterday.  Yes, I posted a Christmas gift post earlier.  It seems so frivolous compared to the events of yesterday.  But, I guess life must go on.  However, it does so with deep heaviness and sorrow in my heart. 

I cannot even begin to imagine what those parents and families are going through.  What the teachers and fellow students who were in the building are going through.  What the entire commmunity is going through.  And, let's not forget the brother of the shooter who lost his mother and his brother all in the same day while learning his brother was responsible for it all.  He bears such a heavy and deep burden.


I really have no words.  I just couldn't let this day pass without expressing my deepest condolences, my deepest sorrow, and my anguish at the loss of such young and innocent children.  And, I'd be lying if there wasn't a little bit of fear as well.

My first instinct yesterday was to drive to my kids schools and pull them out and bring them home.  I didn't really think another shooter was going to attack yesterday.  I just wanted them home.  I wanted to hug them and to see their faces.  I was also afraid that I was going to burst into tears the moment I saw them at pick-up time and scare them to death. 

What is happening in our world today where each new tragedy trumps the horrific one before it? 

Again, I have no words.

I am praying for the families, the town of Newton and our nation.  Peace be with us all.

Christmas Gift Ideas

This holiday season I found loads of great Christmas gift ideas for anyone and everyone on the Internet so I thought I would share them with you. 

Here are easy, thoughtful Christmas gift ideas that could work for friends, teachers, family or host/hostesses:

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Million Dollar Decorators {My Junk T.V. Habit}

Do any of you watch "Million Dollar Decorators" on Bravo? 

I don't know where I've been but I just now realized that the show is back on for it's second season. Actually, it could be their third season for all I know because I just now tuned in after being a faithful watcher the first season Million Dollar Decorators was on.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Our Family Christmas Tree

I think our Christmas tree is my family's absolute favorite Christmas decoration. 

Sure, they love the outdoor Christmas lights, their Christmas stockings and the Elf on the Shelf, but the first thing they immediately ask about after Thanksgiving is the Christmas tree. 

"When are we going to put up the tree?!"

And, as much as I love a perfectly decorated tree like one of these:

 Country Living

Monday, December 10, 2012

Christmas Tablescape & Dining Room Decor

Have you seen all the beautiful holiday home tours in blogland the past few days?  There is so much eye candy out there it's been hard not to get caught up in it all and stay on the computer forever!

Today, I'm tearing myself away to show you my dining room all dressed up in it's holiday best. 

Country Style Inspiration {Guest Post from Arcadian Home Blog}

How about a little break from all the Christmas talk and we take some time for some decorating inspiration!

You know I love beautiful, casual, country decor so I'm thrilled that Mari from the Arcadian Home blog is guest posting here today about that very subject!  Enjoy the beautiful decorating inspiration she's sharing here today:

Hello, everyone! It's Mari from Arcadian Home blog, a wonderful place to find beautiful home decor inspirations. I'm so excited to be with you here at Lilacs & Longhorns today. What a great blog name! For me, the words Lilacs & Longhorns evoke the very essence of country style and its many looks—traditional country, modern farmhouse, French country cottage, Texas chic and much more. Here's a glimpse into the world of this appealing style. Please enjoy!

Country Style

Friday, December 7, 2012

Christmas Stocking Tutorial {& Winter Wonders & Holiday Happenings Linky Party}

Today is a big day around here.  I'm co-hosting my first linky party, ever!  Woo hoo!

Welcome to the

Winter Wonders and Holiday Happenings Link Party!

December is here and that means Hanukkah, Christmas and Kwanzaa are right around the corner so it is the perfect time to share all your delicious holiday dishes and decor, along with your favorite Winter treats and projects.

Help get us inspired!

Claiming Our Space has joined up with Black Fox Homestead, Life with the Hawleys, Lilacs and Longhorns, Practically Functional, The Thrifty Rebel and Yellow Spool. Each of us will have our own project or recipe to share so make sure to stop by to check out what we have each created as well as to link up your own winter or holiday inspired posts.

Your opportunity to link-up will be at the bottom of this post, but first I'm going to show you how you can make your own Christmas stockings -- and, did I mention budget-friendly?

Earlier this week, I posted about my new matching stockings here.  Today, I'm showing you how I made them.  You don't really need super great sewing skills to make them.  And, honestly, you could even use fabric glue to do this project if you don't plan on filling the stockings, so even if you don't sew, you could still do this project!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

DIY Christmas Card Wreath

For years I have kept the Christmas cards we receive in a little sleigh-shaped basket that sits by the fireplace.  Inevitably, my kids end up using it for their stuffed animals as though it's Malibu Barbie's convertible.  So, even though my kiddos are outgrowing that stage, I really wanted to do something different this year.  What to do?! 

I made a Christmas card wreath that I can hang on the wall that looks pretty and is out of reach!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

My Christmas Mantel and New Hand-made Stockings

I have wanted matching Christmas stockings for what seems like forever.  You would think that would be an easy update, but I was hesitant to make the change because I'm sentimental and I really love a momento-filled Christmas.

My mom bought each of my kids a Christmas stocking when they were born and put their names on them herself.  Unfortunately, they didn't match the image I had in mind for my mantle.  Even so, I had a hard time with the idea of not using them because they mean a lot to me. 

Still, I really wanted matching stockings while keeping a family and homey feeling mantel.  I solved my dilemma by deciding that we will still use the stockings from my mom on Christmas eve and will set them out for Santa with cookies and milk, but for decorative purposes, we now have a matched set!

I made these little burlap and checked stockings yesterday using left over burlap and red buffalo checked fabric I already had...ZERO new cost -- LOVE that!
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