Decorating ADD {Folk Magazine Blog Journal #5}

I’m not really known for my patience.  
When  I decide that I want something, I kind of want it to happen right away.  

This is especially true when it comes to getting things done in my home.

In this week’s Folk Blog Journal, we’re talking about what we’re looking forward to the most in the near future.
For me, it’s getting some projects done at home.  
If you’ve been reading my blog lately you’ll know that I have a long list of projects I want to get done this year.  And, because I’m not very patient, I’m ready to have them all done ASAP.  So much so, in fact, that I’ve started a few simultaneously (and I’ve thrown a new one into the mix).  
As a result, I’m now in a state of what I call, “decorating ADD.”  (I mentioned this earlier this week.) Which basically means that I have so many balls in the air that I don’t know which one to focus on first.  As a result, everything either sits in a state of half-done or takes up too much space in my brain in terms of time thinking about it or time researching it on the Internet.  Because of this, very little IS done.  See what I mean?  Does this ever happen to you?
To be fair, my house house is not really sitting in a complete state of disarray (although it kind of is).  It’s really my brain.  All of these ideas and projects are swirling around in my head and I’m wishing they were all done yesterday!
I did alleviate some of that chaos in my head by creating a couple of mood boards and sharing them on my blog this week.

My Master Bedroom (this is the project I threw into the already-existing mix):
(Thankfully, it will not create a lot of DIY projects — however, it will require spending some money, which means I will spend a lot of TIME figuring out ways to get it to cost the LEAST!)

I also shared my Dining Room mood board update:
I spent a lot of time browsing the Internet trying to figure this room out.  
I am so relieved that this plan is finally jiving in my head!

Creating these boards definitely helped manage the chaos.
I have also ordered some of the things I need to make these projects happen.  (I ordered the brown checked fabric — it was on sale! — and the quilted pillow shams from Pottery Barn.
But, these are only two of my projects that I want completed sooner rather than later!  Honestly, the project that needs to get finished first is my back entry (I talked about needing to solve entryway clutter here).  I have all the materials…I just need to do it.  
I’m also putting the finishing touches on my daughter’s room.    It is sooo close to being done.  I just have to hang a couple of things on her wall and replace a broken cabinet knob and we’re finished!  Maybe I can get that done today (fingers crossed!).
So, now that I’m at the end of this post, I’m feeling motivated to forge ahead.  This was kind of like a list of “to-do’s.”  Maybe my “decorating ADD” will be a thing of the past!

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  1. I love that fabric. Actually, I would be right at home with everything you have chosen!

  2. mkjartist40 says:



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