Decorating ADD {Folk Magazine Blog Journal #5}

I'm not really known for my patience.   When  I decide that I want something, I kind of want it to happen right away.   This is especially true when it comes to getting things done in my home. In this week's Folk Blog Journal, we're talking about what we're looking forward to the most in the near future. For me, it's getting some projects … [Read more...]

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Legacy {Folk Blog Post #4}

This week's Folk Blog Journal Challenge is about our American history, and how Martin Luther King, Jr.'s story may have influenced our own. I don't remember the first time I heard of Dr. Martin Luther King, Junior (he was assassinated when I was an infant so I never saw his speeches live) but it seems like I've always heard about him and his quest … [Read more...]

Success in Failure {Folk Blog Post #3}

This blog journaling challenge is going to be tough some weeks.  I had to really think hard about this week's assignment:  What is something you've done that you never thought you could do?    To be perfectly honest, it was really hard to narrow this topic down to just one thing.  I mean, there was the time that I went to a fitness boot camp and … [Read more...]

Setting Goals, Kind Of {Folk Magazine Journal}

    It's Week #2 of the Folk Magazine blogging/journal and today, we're talking about our goals for the year.   And, quite honestly, I really hadn't given it much thought.  Well, actually, I did make a list of the projects I want to do around my home and blogged about it here.  And, I talked about being a better steward of my decorating budget … [Read more...]

Lessons Learned 2012 {Folk Magazine Blogging Journal}

I recently discovered Folk Magazine through one of my new favorite blogs.  They cover everything that appeals to me; decorating, family, home and real living.  This year, the Folk blog is hosting a special weekly journaling series that will continue all year long that caught my attention.  They are inviting regular folks and bloggers to journal … [Read more...]