Thrifty Fall Centerpiece

I looove saving money!  But, I also love buying new things for my home. That’s why I’m a big fan of thrift stores. And, because so many thrift stores benefit worthy causes in my community, they make my shopping trip a win-win experience. I find something “new” for a great price while giving back to my community.

That’s why I’m, once again, participating in a special Thrift Benefit for Shelter Animals. 

thrift benefit for animals

Did you know that many communities have thrift stores that directly benefit animal shelters?  Until last year, I didn’t know that!  That means when you shop at those stores, the proceeds of your purchase will go directly to local animal shelters.  Your money helps house, vaccinate, spay/neuter and find homes for needy animals in your community.  I think that’s so great! 

I am an animal lover (we have 2 dogs and 2 cats in our family) so today, I’m happy to be participating in a 22-blog tour of DIY and Home bloggers.  Together we are raising awareness about shopping at local thrift stores that directly benefit homeless animals in your area.  

Many of us are using our DIY and decorating skills to re-use and re-purpose things we found at our local thrift shops.  Others are telling the stories of their own shelter pets.  (To read the story I wrote last year about my own shelter pet family click here.)

Today, I’m showing you my thrifty fall center piece.  I used some thrift store treasures when putting it together.  By sharing it with you, I’m hoping you’ll be inspired to look for your own treasures in a shop near you!  

fall centerpiece

Unfortunately, I don’t have a thrift store near me that benefits animals (the closest one is an hour away), but I shopped at another local charity store so I could perhaps, spark your enthusiasm for being thrifty.  

Can you guess what came from the thrift store in my fall centerpiece?

pumpkin in a cup

Yep.  It’s the cup and saucer.  The cup was 89 cents and the plate was $1.49.

basket of pumpkins and plates

I rarely pass up blue and white transferware — even if it’s not part of a set.   I can always find a way to use it.

I also usually see a lot of baskets for sale like the one I’m using today.  This one isn’t a thrifted find, but I could have easily picked up a nice one for a buck or two.  (My husband is ready to put me in a 12-step program for my basket addiction so I really need to refrain from buying more!)

If you’d like to find a store that benefits shelter animals near you, you can simply do a Google search for “animal shelter thrift store.”  You can also call your local animal shelter and ask them if they have a shop.  If there is nothing near you there are many ways to help animals in need:

  1. Adopt a shelter pet instead of buying from breeders or pet stores
  2. Donate money to homeless animals through organizations like or The Humane Society.
  3. Donate money when checking out at local pet stores — many ask you to donate a dollar or two to local animal charities when you’re at the register
  4. Volunteer at your local animal shelter
  5. Donate pet food and/or supplies to local animal shelters 
Here are some helpful links if you’re interested in pet adoption, volunteering or donating to homeless animals or preventing animal cruelty:
The Humane Society
Adopt a Pet
The Shelter Pet Project
The links below take you to the 21 other blogs that are participating in this tour.  I hope you’ll visit to see their projects and read their stories.
This post is dedicated to my four fur babies (clockwise from left:  Bella, Cinder, Lucky and Boomer).
my pets
They make our house a home! 

An InLinkz Link-up
Sharing at:
Savvy Southern Style
Between Naps on the Porch
Cedar Hill Farmhouse – The Scoop
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POSTED IN: , cup and saucer, , , thrift store finds

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23 Responses to Thrifty Fall Centerpiece

  1. Kelly says:

    Well done Julie! Really pretty centerpiece. Also terrific resources for pet adoption. Thx!

  2. Jane says:

    Your centerpiece is just lovely! I happen to have a real nice round basket and I think I will do the same thing! I will have to go find a few dishes to put in it though. I also took your Fall house tour! Everything looks great! You are way ahead of me so I guess I need to get busy! LOL

  3. Christina says:

    Love the blue and white against the orange color scheme for fall! Great post and love the quote about pets making a house a home- so true!

  4. Jeanette says:

    Julie I simply love everything we do. The blue and white are perfect in your fall basket! Your furry animal family members are looking good. 🙂 Thank you for join us again this years and spreading the word. ~Jeanette

  5. Andrea at Opulent Cottage says:

    Love your basket! And your darling furbabies! Our furs have all been rescues, they are the best 🙂 Rounding up all the ferals tomorrow to head to the SPCA to get fixed and vaccinated, we love supporting such a great cause. Good resources Julie, thanks!

  6. Christy@Confessions of a Serial Do-it-Yourselfer says:

    Your centerpiece is gorgeous, Julie! Your furry family is so cute too! XO

  7. Paula@SweetPea says:

    Your fur babies are precious! I love your centerpiece and need to try my hand at using dishes in a basket. I love that look but haven’t tried it for myself. I think that orange with blue looks great for fall.

  8. laura@top this top that says:

    love your little guys and your centerpiece. thank you for your heart and creating awareness.

  9. Amy @ StowandTellU says:

    Your centerpiece is sooo classy. It looks way expensive. I love the mix of pumpkin orange with china blue!! You put a great list together of ways to help our furry friends, Julie. Very helpful. Your fur babies are precious, too!!

  10. Tammy says:

    Love the blue in your centerpiece … All your babies are adorable!

  11. JaneEllen says:

    Your center piece is very simple but beautiful. I’ll have to try using dishes in arrangements. Giving m ideas of how to do different arrangements, I too am a basket junky. Some I’ve had for many years, just can’t seem to make myself get rid of anymore than I did when we were leaving KY.
    We have a dog we got at a PetSmart adoption fair almost 5 yrs. ago now. He is black lab/border collie and is a fantastic dog. No he’s our child. Your black dog looks a lot like him but ours has smaller ears like a border collie When we went to look at dogs that day he wasn’t what we were looking for but he came home with us, meant to be. Our grand daughter had called us while we were on way to PetSmart to tell us she’d found our dog for us. Wasn’t too sure but didn’t want to hurt g/d;s feelings. So glad we adopted him, he’s a jewel.Not sure how great weare f/him as we’re in early 70’s now. He sure keeps us moving and active.
    His face has more white on it and is getting more on his body. He will be 6 early next month, he’d just turned 1 when we got him. He’d been shuffled from one shelter to another. He had been abused but you wouldn’t know it now, just a little spoiled.
    We have an orange cat that adopted us where we lived in KY. He was a barn cat and few months old,made up his mind he was staying with us. He’svery smart also and quite spoiled. Tonight we were in back yard giving chickens (5) their evening treat and visit. Cat was acting like he was stalking one of chickens, dog went up to him and rolled him over, nudged him away from chicken. Those are Tommy’s chickens. Heherds them and watches over them.
    We got chickens early this summer from neighbor of daughter/family that were moving to Denver. We hadn’t really thought about getting chickens but it’s worked out wonderfully, the eggs are fantastic. THey are pretty smart critters also. Guess you could say we’re animal people. I’ll take in every stray, used to drive our kids crazy, was always coming home from grocery store with puppy or kitten when we lived in SanDiego area.
    Your animals are wonderful, can only imagine how much love and joy they bring to your home and family. I know our kids always have. When we got Tommy I had knee replacement shortly after but he took care of me when hubs not home. He would come into bathroom after I had shower to make sure I was ok. If I hollered for help he was right there. I fell one time and he sat by me til hubs got home to help me up. One time I slipped off my office chair, couldn’t get myself up so scooted on butt all way down hallway to living room. He was licking my face and I was laughing so hard I forgot to feel pain (hubs got home soon after so I could get up onto couch).Tommy stood there so I could use him for a brace between coffee table and couch. He’s a good sized dog and very strong.
    Sorry this is so long, when I talk about our furry and feathery kidz I get carried away. Happy Fall to you, enjoy our furry babies.

  12. Lauren says:

    Beautiful centerpiece, love the blue and white mixed with the fall colors. What a great find of those transferware pieces!

  13. Shirley@Housepitality Designs says:

    Love the centerpiece Julie…love your adorable fur babies!

  14. Christy @ Our Southern Home says:

    I just love this basket idea!!!! The blue and white china looks fabulous with orange!!! Your fur babies are just precious! ~Chrisyt

  15. Nancy @ Artsy Chicks Rule says:

    Love your centerpiece! ….and your sweet fur babies 🙂


  16. Angie @ Beneath the Magnolias says:

    Your fur babies are so sweet! I love animals! I didn’t know there were thrift stores that benefited animal shelters. Thank you for shining a light on this. Your basket is so pretty with the blue and white transferware.

  17. Pingback: Fall Decorating - Lilacs and LonghornsLilacs and Longhorns

  18. Jen Y says:

    I love how you used the china in your centerpiece – so creative & beautiful!

    I just discovered your blog through a link from Southern Hospitality & am really enjoying your posts.

    • Julie Julie says:

      Thank you, Jen! I’m so glad you stopped by and looked around! I hope to “see” you here again soon!
      Have a wonderful day,

  19. Pingback: Lamp MakeoverLilacs and Longhorns

  20. Pingback: The Easiest Fall Decor Idea Ever {Home for Fall} - Lilacs and LonghornsLilacs and Longhorns

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