Tag Archives: Antiques

Vintage Finds: Hometalk Round Top Blogger Meet-up

I’m still recovering from my busy weekend in Round Top, Texas.

And,  let me tell you, I’ve found a new love.  There are all kinds of vintage and re-purposed things to discover!

(Forgive the grainy iPhone pictures!)

There were so many cool things at the Antiques Fair that, to tell you the truth, I was a little overwhelmed!

Of course, my phone died shortly after I got there so I didn’t take a lot of shopping pictures, but just envision tent after tent after tent filled with junk, antiques, olive buckets (for $35!), baskets, re-purposed cool stuff — you name it.  It was a home blogger’s paradise.

Except for the unrelenting heat.

That wasn’t so great.

Even so, we trudged on in search of fabulous finds and it was worth every drop of sweat.

Here’s a peak a sneak peek of two finds that made me happy:

I scored two vintage table cloths for $5 each!

And, this tattered wedding ring quilt circa 1940 for $20.

Here’s a sneak peek at how I used the quilts shortly after I brought it home:

blue and white table scape

I have always wanted an old quilt to throw over a table for a tablescape!

I found even more fun finds that I will be sharing with you soon.

My weekend was all a part of the Hometalk Round Top Blogger Meetup that Randi from Dukes & Duchesses and I co-hosted.

Don’t you love the cute bags Hometalk gave us? (Mine got a little dirty sitting in my shopping cart.)

We had a small, but enthusiastic group of bloggers (as well as a few friends and kids) join Randi and me on our shopping adventure (Denise from Denise Designed and Lisa from The Pennington Point).  We didn’t manage to connect with a few others who were scheduled to join us, so I hope they made it to the fair and enjoyed all the great shopping anyway. (I’m so disappointed I didn’t get to meet them!  Next time ladies, next time!)

We will all be posting about our finds and how we re-purpose or “flip” them into something fantastic for our homes, so stay tuned!

I hope you all had a fantastic weekend!

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Hometalk Round Top Blogger Event Reminder

I’m driving down to Round Top, Texas today for the big Antiques Fair and tomorrow’s big Hometalk Blogger Meet-up that I’m co-hosting with Randi from Dukes & Duchesses.

We’ll be meeting in front of Cole’s Antiques in Warrenton at 9 a.m.  If you’re there, please look for us and say, “hi!”

I’m super excited and can’t wait to get there!  I am just itching to find some wonderful treasures.

I’ll be taking pictures and sharing on Instagram throughout the day tomorrow, so feel free to follow me there.

Here’s to wishing you a wonderful Friday and happy weekend!

Due to stolen content I cannot provide a full RSS feed. I work hard to provide fresh, original content and, unfortunately, there are sites that like to steal from honest, hard-working bloggers. Thanks for understanding!
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Hometalk Round Top Blogger Event

If you’re a blogger and you live in Texas (or you just want to drive here) I’ve got a really great “Blogger’s Day Out” event to share with you.

I am teaming up with Hometalk and Randi from Dukes & Duchesses at the Round Top Antiques Fair on October 5, 2013 for the Hometalk Round Top Blogger Event.

Dukes and Duchesses

Randi and I will be road tripping to Round Top and we are inviting you to meet us there!

Source: Fathomaway

It will be a day full of shopping, socializing and fun!  We will also have a little challenge to find something fabulous that we want to “flip” — sort of like Flea Market Flip.

If you’re a blogger and you’re interested in being a part of the Round Top Antiques Fair blogger event on October 5, you will need to RSVP to reserve your spot.  

The blogger event is free but you will be responsible for your own transportation, lodging, meals, etc.  Cost to get in to the Antiques Fair is $10.

It’s going to be a lot of fun so I hope to see you there.  Oh, and you can bring a non-blogging friend, too if you want.  Can’t wait to see you on October 5!

Due to stolen content I cannot provide a full RSS feed. I work hard to provide fresh, original content and, unfortunately, there are sites that like to steal from honest, hard-working bloggers. Thanks for understanding!

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