Tag Archives: 2014

Pre-teen Boys Room: Getting Started

My son is about to turn 12 and updating his room has been on our radar for awhile now.

When we finished my daughter’s tween room last spring, he was still pretty content with his room, but I think the wheels started turning in his head.  By August, he was begging for a room update.  Not only did I not have a budget for his room at that time, but the busy school & holiday season was just around the corner and planning a room takes time.  So, he was told we would have to wait until at least January to get started. 

Even so, I got started drawing up some tentative plans for his room right away.  Money, time or not the ideas started flowing for a pre-teen boys room!  

preteen boys room ideas

I blogged about pre-teen room ideas here.

On New Year’s Day he was reminding me about his room.   When were we going to get started?  

Needless to say, I couldn’t put him off any longer.  It was time!

I told him we would have to finalize our plans before we could start painting or buying anything.  Here’s what we came up with:

preteen boys room


We’ll be using most of what he already has.  I’ll re-paint his walls, stain his existing dresser and side table.  I’ll also add new hardware.  I’ll paint the desk I bought for him on Craig’s list over a year ago and add a few new touches.

He adores soccer and is a huge fan of Lionel Messi and team Barcelona.  We found two posters that he wants to add to his walls. 

I’m planning to spend about $300 -$400 on the entire room — the biggest expense will be bedding.

The plan is to create a room that will last all the way through high school.  And, I think with this design, it will. 

The walls and bedding are pretty basic and his tastes and likes can easily rotate in and out.

He is dying to get started and so am I!

Keep checking back for progress reports and project updates.

Thanks for reading!


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My Home is My Canvas

Happy New Year!  

I hope you had a wonderful holiday season filled with blessings and loved ones.

When I woke up this morning, I decided that I wanted to jot down all of the projects that I want to accomplish this year.  The ideas have been dancing around in my head for awhile but I hadn’t made a formal list.  Then, I thought that — like last year — I would do a post of my list of projects for the year.

It was going to be a simple post.  I would list all of the projects I hoped to accomplish in the coming year and share a few pictures and idea boards.  

But, as I was writing down my project “wish list” I started thinking about why I always have so many projects on my lists and why do my readers even care about what I’m doing.  Why did I start this blog a year and a half ago?  And, why do I feel compelled to keep coming back and sharing my simple little ideas and home projects here?

So, instead of sharing a laundry list of DIY projects, I thought I would tell you what I hope to accomplish on this blog this year.

abraham maslow quote

I may not be the most talented or the most creative person in the world, but I do know this: I was created to be a creative person.  It’s just the way God made me.  I have always been drawn to creative projects and feathering my nest.  It is just who I am.

I don’t paint canvases like Van Gogh, I don’t express myself through music, and my rooms are not gracing the pages of Better Homes and Gardens but, this is the way I am wired and I simply love everything that has to do with creating a home.  Whether I’m baking cookies, painting a table or sewing a pillow, my home and this blog are my creative outlets.   I don’t think I could survive in this world if I couldn’t be creative in some way.  And, I couldn’t live in a cardboard box and not decorate it.  It’s just who I am.

maya angelou quote

When I first started this blog I think I thought it was kind of a “show and tell” kind of place.  A place where I could show off my projects and write about them.  

As a former journalist and professional communicator, I wanted to be able to use my skills and do something productive with my time while my kids were at school. You see, my husband has a demanding job and it’s just not possible for me to go back to a full-time job without having to outsource our family to a nanny or someone else who could take them from here to there, help with homework, etc.  That’s just not something we want for our family, so I am blessed to stay home.  But, at the same time, I was itching to do something productive and I needed an outlet for my creativity.

But, the truth is, I have discovered that this blog is more than just show and tell.  It’s more than just posting projects and recipes.

It is really about me using my creativity to help and inspire others who also believe their home is a refuge and a haven.  It is to help those who also want to love their families by cooking good food for them or creating a cozy and welcoming space that makes them feel good, safe and comfortable where they are. 

ralph waldo emerson quote

Through this blog, I have discovered that I enjoy helping others whether it’s by sharing how I reupholstered a chair or figured out a way to make something cheap look expensive.  

If I can share just one bit of wisdom because I have “been there and done that,” and you are blessed by it, I am thrilled!

I enjoy helping you make your home a reflection of you no matter what your budget.

I don’t believe a beautiful home is created with expensive furnishings and artwork.  It is created with love and is a true expression of the people who live in it.

If I can help someone do that, then I have succeeded on this blog and in my life.

nate berkus quote

I feel so honored and blessed to have each and every one of you here.  

I love receiving your kind comments and getting to know you through this crazy medium called the Internet.

This blog has been a true blessing to me and I want to make this a safe and inviting place where I can share my passion for all things home with others.

Thank you for being here in 2013 and here’s to a beautiful and blessed 2014!





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