Hello Sun!

We finally saw some sunshine yesterday and it was so wonderful!

There is still a lot of moisture in the air so it was very humid and sticky, but it was glorious nonetheless.

day lilies


The positives to all this rain is that we are finally filling up our lakes and we are almost out of the 4-year-long drought.  Another positive in my yard is that it has never been so green and lush.

bee on blue salvia


Today I am thankful for the small respite from the rain (it rained last night and more is forecasted for this evening) and for the blooming flowers in my garden.

My heart goes out to the families who lost so much to the south of us.  Let’s all keep them in our thoughts and prayers.

31 Days of Gratitude helps bring contentment and joyful living.

signature with flowers

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2 Responses to Hello Sun!

  1. Stacey Keeling says:

    It’s beautiful and crazy all at the same time, don’t you think? I’m so grateful for the rain but in smaller amounts would be nice. I saw on the news that the rain weather pattern should be ending in the next few days. My wish would be for continued rain once a week. Your flowers are so pretty! Ours are too and the woods behind our house look like jungle.

  2. Shirley@Housepitality Designs says:

    Your flowers are beautiful….I am happy that you are safe and sound…the pictures on the news are just horrific and I pray for those families who have gone through so much loss…


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