Favorite DIY Projects of 2013

favorite projects 2013

Christmas is over and I'm itching to get started on some new projects.  But, first, I wanted to go back to see a little of what I accomplished in 2013. Here's a quick re-cap of some of my favorite makeovers and projects this past year: 1.  Tween Girl's Room Makeover: My daughter and I worked on this room together -- she … [Read more...]

Master Bedroom Update

I love a comfy, peaceful and beautiful master bedroom. Problem is, I've struggled for years trying to make mine all those things. After going back and forth for several months with all kinds of master bedroom re-do plans (see those posts here and here), I finally settled -- for now -- with a fresher look. Before, my room had a lot of dark … [Read more...]

Changing My Mind {Master Bedroom}

Do you change your mind a million times when you're re-decorating or updating a room?  It seems like I do.It's happening with my master bedroom update.  I'm wavering all over the place.  One minute, I'm sticking to the plan I originally drew up, and the next I'm doing a complete 180. If you read the post with my inspiration board, you'll know that … [Read more...]