Moving and an Announcement

pumpkin and indian corn

If you follow me on Facebook or if you tried getting to my site last night, you already know that my blog was down for a short while.  Why? Because I moved my blog from Blogger to Wordpress -- a different blogging platform. If you're not a blogger, that last statement will be pretty meaningless to you. The changes, for you readers, … [Read more...]

Getting Creative at Home Blog Tour — Day One {My Favorite Project}

Paint projects, decorating, DIY...those are just some of the fun things that were going on at the Haven Conference last weekend. In case you're not familiar, Haven is a conference for home and DIY bloggers.  They get to laugh, have fun, practice DIY projects and meet other bloggers.  I hated to miss it!So, 24 of us decided to have our own fun and … [Read more...]

Getting Creative at Home Blog Party {Meet Some Great New Blogs!}

What do you do when a bunch of your blogger friends (and ones you haven't even met yet) get together for a fabulous DIY/Home Blogger conference to connect and talk about home stuff without you?You get busy rounding up other blogger friends who are in the same boat and throw a "Getting Creative at Home" blog  tour party! Yep.  While the other … [Read more...]