Hot Chocolate Station 2014

Temperatures are way below normal this November so it’s feeling like winter already for many of us.

The other morning it was in the 20’s when I sent my kids off to school.  Brrr.  That’s way too chilly for this time of year in Texas!

However, the cold weather got me motivated to create a hot chocolate station like I did last year.  It was a big hit with both the kids and my husband so it was a “must do” again this season.

hot chocolate bar image


It’s also my first opportunity to show you what the butler’s pantry looks like since it got a makeover along with our kitchen this summer. 

butlers pantry_3


It’s so much brighter in this little space now.  I love it!

I was pretty excited to start putting this space together for the holidays.

hot cocoa bar_2


I used my little chalk board that I made from old cabinet fronts from the kitchen reno and I pulled together just a few things that we use to make our hot chocolate.  

The Santa and owl mugs are a new find from Walmart.  I thought they were so cute for the kids to use!

Christmas mugs


I put mini marshmallows in our old glass snowman jar and hot chocolate packets are in the other one next to it.

Then, just a few candy canes and that’s it.  Nothing fancy or crazy.  We’re pretty boring hot chocolate drinkers, I guess.

hot cocoa


Everyone was happy to see this come together and they have been helping themselves so it’s a big hit again.  

Is it cold where you are?  

What are you doing to stay warm?


Wishing you a happy Monday,



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  1. laura@top this top that says:

    my kids love hot cocoa…. 1/4 cocoa and the rest marshmallows. loving your butlers pantry.

  2. I think your Hot Chocolate Station is so adorable! It looks perfect in the butler’s pantry.

  3. November is early for it to be so cold in your part of Texas, it’s chilly here too in NC. My kids are hoping for lots of snow again this year. I love your hot cocoa station, those mugs are so cute and your butler’s pantry is gorgeous!!!

    • Yes, it is waaay too early, Lauren! Can you believe we woke up to some snow on the ground this morning? Thank goodness not enough to keep the kids home from school, but just enough to be noticeable. Crazy!!

  4. Shirley@Housepitality Designs says:

    So pretty and functional Julie…there is nothing like a hot cocoa station in these winter months…and especially since the winter is apparently starting early!!! Cold, drizzly and gloomy here today and the leaves are still falling fast!…

  5. I love it, all that goodness in one spot on a cold day….great job!

  6. Allyson littleton says:

    So cute! Miss seeing you all but love keeping up via your blog. Supposed to be low 40’s and maybe high 30’s here in Fl the next couple mornings. While that doesn’t exactly give me an excuse to leave this station up, because it will be 70 plus again shortly after, I may do a twist on it during Thanksgiving when all my family is staying and eating here for a few days. Coffee, tea and hot chocolate station so it’s all there for them to customize on their own. Thanks for sharing!

  7. Jane @ Cottage at the Crossroads says:

    Your butler’s pantry is looking fabulous with that cocoa station! It was 75 degrees today in SC, but the cold is coming our way tonight! Will need to follow your lead with a “help yourself” hot drink!

  8. I LOVE your Hot Chocolate Station!! Where, oh where, did you find the fabulous tiered stand? I have to have one for my small beverage area!!

    • Thank you, Susan! I bought the tiered stand at Target back in the spring. Unfortunately, I don’t think they carry them anymore. :(

  9. I absolutely adore how you decorated your bar. The lighting is a terrific idea!I did a hot chocolate bar last year an it was a big hit. I’m getting mine ready to go out Thanksgiving night!

  10. Your hot chocolate station is so clever…one of the best ideas I’ve seen blog hopping today. Hope you don’t mid if I copy! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving,

  11. Sanghamitra says:

    This station looks cool! The lighting is great.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Hope to see you on my blog :)

  12. Heidi Colton says:

    What a wonderful. Set up! And so festive!

  13. Love, love, love this. Thanks for the inspiration! I’m pinning!

  14. Cute mugs! I looked online and was not able to find them. Did you buy them at the store or online? :)

  15. Your Butler’s Pantry is the perfect spot for a hot chocolate bar. I have that same snowman jar! It was a Goodwill find. I will be filling it up with mini marshmallows as soon as I finish typing! LOL. Now if I could just that amazing galvanized 2 tier tray thing a bob. I’d be all set. It gets pretty cold here in the Hudson Valley of NY State. I bribe my youngest with hot chocolate before school to get her out of bed.
    Happy Thanksgiving.




    […] cold outside! Julie from Lilacs And Longhorns is ready to warm us up with a Christmas HOT CHOCOLATE STATION! […]

  2. […] Just past this doorway is my little butler’s pantry.  I created a hot cocoa station there a few weeks ago and posted about it here. […]


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