Simmering Potpourri Recipe

One of the things I love best about fall is the scents of the season.  I love cinnamon, apple, cloves, cranberries…everything!

I told you about the delicious fall candle I bought and love, but did you know you can make your own wonderful scents at home?  

I do this every so often when I want something  yummy to make the house smell amazing.  It’s quick, easy and very inexpensive — particularly since most of these items you probably already have on hand.

Today, I’m sharing my easy simmering potpourri recipe with you – I hope you’ll love it!

simmering potpourri recipe


  • Apple slices (use the entire apple, don’t worry about coring or peeling)
  • Orange slices
  • Cinnamon sticks
  • Whole cloves
  • water

You don’t have to use exact amounts in this recipe…use more of what you love — experiment a little to find what you like!  To give you an idea of quantities, however, here’s what I used in this batch that smelled fantastic!

  • 1/2 apple,
  • 3/4 orange
  • 2 cinnamon sticks
  • 1 tablespoon whole cloves
  • 2 cups water

Simmer on the stove for about 30 minutes — keep an eye on the amount of water because it will evaporate.  You don’t want to burn or scorch your potpourri!

simmering potpourri on stove

My potpourri is simmering right now and it definitely gives me that “Fall” feeling!  I love it!


I want to remind you that this Friday at 8 p.m. Central I will be taking part in a HUGE link party for DIY projects — you don’t want to miss it if you’re a reader or a blogger.  

link party button

I will be posting a new DIY project and anyone can link up theirs as well!  With over 20 blogs participating in the link-up, your project will get loads of exposure.  I hope to see you here on Friday!  I can’t wait to see what creativity everyone will be sharing!


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Savvy Southern Style
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  1. Brenda Kula says:

    I do believe I can smell that potpourri from Oklahoma!

  2. Just had to try your recipe,smells so good. God Bless,Joy

  3. I can almost smell it since I just sprayed some fall pumpkin in l/r and kitchen. Have couple of those envelopes with cinnamon and spices also to spritz up the house til I can make that recipe. Sounds so good. Love our house to smell good. Some of store bought pourouri are too strong.
    We have a big dog so I’m quite conscientious about odors from him in house on carpet and furniture. He doesn’t get on couch or chairs but he does lay against them. I keep covers on couch and chairs then once a week put them in dryer with new dryer sheet to freshen and get rid of hair cause he sheds a lot. does help keep things nicer in house.

  4. Shirley@Housepitality Designs says:

    You just reminded me of how wonderful simmering potpourri is!…I used to do that years and years ago before “Yankee Candle”… I need to start that back up as it does make the house smell so good…thanks for the recipe!!!

  5. Can this apple, orange simmering potpouri be dried?

    • I have never tried that before but I’ve thought about doing it. I don’t see any reason why it couldn’t be dried. If you try it, please let me know how it turns out!


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