Moving and an Announcement

If you follow me on Facebook or if you tried getting to my site last night, you already know that my blog was down for a short while.  Why?

Because I moved my blog from Blogger to WordPress — a different blogging platform.

If you’re not a blogger, that last statement will be pretty meaningless to you.

The changes, for you readers, will be very minimal.   As a blogger, I’m supposed to get all sorts of wonderful up-sides, so I’m looking forward to seeing what WordPress can do for me!

While I’m figuring out this new tool, I ask for your patience.  My site may look a little wonky in places for a few days while I work on some of the formatting that was mixed up during the move.

So, you’re probably wondering what all of my random pictures have to do with my WordPress migration.

They each represent a little of what I’ve been working on while someone much more knowledgeable than me was migrating my site.  I’ll be sharing them with you very soon here on the blog.

And, I’m very excited to announce an upcoming blog tour.

Kelly, from My Soulful Home, and I have been busy bees putting together the most awesome tour with the most amazing bloggers that will begin on November 4.  That’s all I’m going to reveal for now, but I will announce the blog line-up soon.

Thank you all for coming here and reading my blog.  I appreciate each and every one of you!



  1. Rachel Paxton says:

    Way to go, Julie! The blog looks great. :) Glad the move went well!

  2. Stephanie @ Hugs, Kisses and Snot says:

    I’m planning on moving from to next month. I want to hear how it went!

  3. Laura @ Finding Home says:

    Everything looks beautiful – looking forward to next week! Take care,Laura

  4. Clydia @ Three Mango Seeds says:

    I’m seriously thinking about moving mine after the beginning of next year. I’m anxious to see what you think by then and hear who you used. Looks great by the way! xoxo

  5. Julie, everything looks great! I know you will love wp.

  6. Shirley@Housepitality Designs says:

    Your site looks wonderful and so looking forward to the party!!!

  7. Your moving to WordPress makes me think I’ve chosen the right platform to begin with. I’m just starting my blog (not revealing the URL yet as it’s not ready for the public) and, Thank Goodness, my husband is computer savvy and can help me with all the very confusing mechanics of it. You seasoned bloggers make it look so easy, so I was very discouraged initially (and still) that it’s not really a “click a few times and it’s ready” type of thing.

    • Hi Sue!
      If you’re starting on (instead of you will be totally ahead of the game! Good for you! It’s requires a little more tech-savvy and investment than blogger but so far I’m super glad I made the switch. Yes, blogging is a lot more work than people realize, but if you love it that’s all that matters! Good luck with your new adventure and thanks for your comment!



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