My Favorite Project {Favorite Things Friday}

You’re probably tired of seeing it.

Oh, that old thing again?  
Yes, I’m showing it to you again.
Just for a minute.  I promise.
Because, frankly, I never get tired of it.
Every time I walk by my dining room, I stop to gaze at her a little.
Yes, it’s a “she.”  She’s my blue china hutch.
And I love her.
It makes me happy to see her sitting there in all her Old Violet glory.
If you’re new here and haven’t heard me brag on her before, then stop on over at “Girl in the Garage” to read about how I transformed her in to the beauty she is today.
I’m guest posting there today.
You can browse all of Jen’s beautiful transformations and then you can stop back here and let me know all about it.
Happy Friday!
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  1. Cecilia Bramhall says:

    I don’t blame you! She is beautiful!

  2. Lovely piece and a great paint colour too!

  3. Laurie Ritchey says:

    Julie, I had no idea that you had painted a china hutch in AS Old Violet too! That is so funny that I picked that same color to paint my china hutch, and then shared it when we did our blog giveaway. I can see, from looking at yours, that I need to go back and do a little more sanding and a little more waxing. Great minds…laurie

  4. It’s funny how some of our pieces make us just stop and look at them for a while! I do that too! I love your piece and love how you’ve decorated it. You are a talented girl!

  5. It’s funny how some of our pieces make us just stop and look at them for a while! I do that too! I love your piece and love how you’ve decorated it. You are a talented girl!

  6. Jen @ Girl in the Garage says:

    Thank you so much for sharing this on my blog Julie! It is a gorgeous hutch!


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