Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The First Day of School

I sent my babies off to their first day of school this morning.

It seems just like yesterday they were little and home with me all day -- or even just starting kindergarten.  

Now, they're in the third and sixth grades.

My, how time flies.

Since I haven't been blogging as regularly while the kids were home on summer vacation, I thought I would get back at it today with some gusto.

Then, baby kitty got bored without the kids playing with her constantly and she walked all over the computer, disconnected the Wi-fi, hit the caps lock, made the computer beep and all sorts of other things.   Then she got cozy, started purring and fell asleep.

So, I decided there would be no serious blogging today after all.  I went shopping sans kiddos and enjoyed a few free hours to myself!

How was your day?

I'll be back tomorrow with a new post -- if kitty stays off my keyboard.
Thanks for stopping by!


  1. NanaDianaAugust 27, 2013 at 11:02 PM

    Congrats on getting those kiddos off to school. Look at those new shoes!!!! Hope you have a whole week of wonderful- xo Diana

  2. ChristinaAugust 28, 2013 at 8:18 AM

    They look adorable! Summer certainly breezed by- Love your four footed helper- One of mine does the same thing!- my husband jokes about getting her her own computer


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