Eating Outdoors {Favorite Things Friday}

One of my favorite things about nice weather is being able to eat outdoors.


There’s just something about eating in the fresh air that makes everything seem taste better.  
Is it just me that thinks that?


Whenever the weather is nice, my kids beg to eat on our patio.  We don’t do anything fancy.  We just bring our plates and drinks outside and sit down.  

I’m getting ready to host a backyard Texas barbecue for some of our friends tonight.

So, I bought some red checked plastic tablecloths.  I thought about getting fabric, but then decided that plastic would be best.  That way I don’t have to wash any spilled barbecue sauce.  
And, I don’t have to store them.


Besides, I found them for a buck a piece at the Dollar Tree.  Love that!

Although there is nothing like the look of real fabric or an old quilt draped over a table. 
It’s so relaxed and beautiful.  
But, sometimes you gotta do what’s most practical (especially when you don’t have a lovely old quilt to drape ever-so-beautifully over a rustic table).


So, we’ll keep it simple and easy.
I’ve already put the brisket in the oven and the ribs will be going on the grill soon so they can cook for several hours.  

We’re so excited for our big outdoor shindig the kids got up early on their first day of summer to start setting up.  It’s going to be hard to wait until this evening.
Here’s to you and your Friday!
Do you have any plans outdoors today?
Don’t forget…today is the LAST day to sign up for the Big Blogger Giveaway.  
Register to win a $180 Amazon gift card here.
Happy Friday y’all!

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  1. Angie @ Postcards from the Ridge says:

    I love all of these ideas, Julie! Especially the next to last one with a quilt as the table cloth. Thanks for the inspiration! ~ Angie

  2. We eat lunch out on the patio pretty often. Even when it’s really hot we put up the umbrella and everything’s fine. ;)

  3. Lizzy Lizano says:

    Happy Friday! Outside dining is so much fun! Enjoy your ribs and brisket…sounds great!
    Your new follower,
    Lizzy :)

  4. Julie {Lilacs and Longhorns} says:

    Thanks, Lizzy! Happy to have you as a new follower!:)


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