Beautiful Blogger Rooms {Favorite Things Friday}

I was a late bloomer when it came to finding home and decorating blogs.  Honestly, I don’t know how I didn’t stumble on to them sooner. As fate would have it, about two and a half years ago I found my first home blog and fell in love.  I’ve been an avid browser ever since and have compiled a large list of favorite blogs (see my Blog list on my side bar for some of my top favs).

But, today, I’m focusing on particular rooms that I’ve found on these and other blogs that make my top 10 favorites list, and believe me, it was tough narrowing this down.  There are so many talented bloggers and decorators.  I am both green with envy and inspired to do more in my own home each time I visit their beautiful web sites.

1.  For the Love of a House — Her Kitchen

I feel kind of silly even posting this because I devoted an entire post to this kitchen not too long ago.  But, here it is…my favorite kitchen ever.

It’s from the “For the Love of a House” blog.  Her entire house is beautiful, but this kitchen is simply my all time favorite.

2.  Finding Home — Her formal living room

I can’t say this is my only favorite room in Laura’s house.  Really, I love so much about every room in her home, but the built-ins and all the pretty, formal yet totally comfy and approachable decor in this room makes me swoon.

She has impeccable taste and great style.  I could move right in!

You can find a complete tour of her home here.

3.  Nine & Sixteen – Master Bedroom

This is one of the first blogs I remember stumbling upon and this room blew me away!

Cozy. Inviting. Beautiful.  Need I say more?!

4.  Milk & Honey Home – Family Room

No matter what these two women do, their work is always spot on.  They have such a unique sense of style… a way of mixing old and modern.  I just can’t get enough of their work.

This family room isn’t one of their own, but something they decorated for a client.  I love it’s comfortable, casual style.  That arm chair with the cane is totally calling my name!

To see their outstanding portfolio of work, go here.  This home is under the heading: Birmingham Hwy.

5.  Holly Mathis Interiors – Back Porch

Oh how I would love to have an old-fashioned screened in porch.  And, this girl has it in spades!

Here’s a peak when it was decked out for Valentine’s Day.


I love Holly’s style.

6.  The Lettered Cottage — Reading Nook/Room

This blog was another one of my first loves and I think it was this little reading room that drew me in.

I can picture myself snuggling up and reading books all day long in that cute little space.  Sigh.

7.  Red Door Home – Basement

Being from the North where basements were commonplace and now living in Texas sans basement, I find myself longing for one quite often.  My husband thinks basements are dark and dreary.  He hasn’t seen this one.

It’s anything but dark and dreary!  Granted, it appears to be a walk-out which lets lots of light in, but the decor is light, bright and charming.

The Red Door Home blog is a new find for me and I absolutely love her home.  You really should browse her site.  You’ll be surprised to see everything they have done themselves, without hiring contractors.  Amazing!

8.  The Cottage Mix {Lauren Leonard Interiors} - Bathroom Re-do

This little master bathroom re-do is so charming and beautiful.

It’s simple and elegant and I love the fact that she has this cute little hutch holding towels and other things styled so beautifully in her bathroom.  I love her blue and whites and I would absolutely love to have a piece of furniture like this in my own bathroom!

9.  The Polished Pebble  - Modern Country Bathroom

Kelley, at the Polished Pebble blog, really knows how to mix old and new.  She manages to make an old, chippy table looks fresh and clean by putting together modern fixtures with time-worn objects.

And, her old baskets filled with fresh, white towels and blooming Spanish Lavender are such perfect touches!  She is also a whiz with vintage fabrics and gardening.  Gorgeous!!

10.  Life in Grace – Her Kitchen

Joan’s kitchen at  For the Love of a House blog may be my all-time favorite, but Edie’s kitchen at Life in Grace is a close second.  And, I mean CLOSE!

I love this kitchen!!  I love her colorful dishes, I love the cabinets, the paint colors, the light fixtures — every detail.  And, I couldn’t help myself…I had to use three pictures to show you the room.  There are even more on her blog, so you really must go there and check it out.

There you have it!  My 10 favorite blogger’s rooms.  I hope you enjoyed the “tour!”

Also, if you want to pin any of these pictures, please go to the blogger’s site and pin directly from there.  I have provided links to the specific pages where these pictures can be found.

Thanks so much for reading.  Happy Weekend!

Linking up to:
Jennifer Rizzo
LizMarie Blog
Savvy Southern Style
Due to stolen content I cannot provide a full RSS feed. I work hard to provide fresh, original content and, unfortunately, there are sites that like to steal from honest, hard-working bloggers. Thanks for understanding!


  1. Finding Home says:

    Thank you so much for the sweet feature! Take care,Laura

  2. Red Door Home says:

    Hi Julie -
    I am so honored you included my basement among your favorite rooms! I too love all the spaces you featured and have many of the same pictures you featured in my favorites files too. – Stacy

  3. wow! i’m so honored to be included in your beautiful line up!! you’ve got some of my all time favorites in there too. gorgeous!! xo, tessa

  4. Lisa @ Fern Creek Cottage says:

    Great choices! They are all beautiful rooms and terrific blogs for sure!

  5. These are so gorgeous! I love the Milk and Honey family room. Exposed beams is on my dream house list. The Life in Grace kitchen is just perfect to me. I get so nervous about how quickly trends come and go in kitchens, but by mixing so many different and gorgeous styles, I feel like she’ll be able to update one piece at a time should she ever feel the need without throwing everything else off. Thanks so much for sharing!

  6. Lauren (The Cottage Mix) says:

    Thank you so much for featuring my bathroom!! I loved seeing your other favorites, too. Fun post! Best, Lauren

  7. Tara @ Suburble says:

    Oh my… these spaces are beautiful, Julie! What a great round up!

  8. Mary Ann at classic•casual•home says:

    Great job, Julie!!! So many of these are my favorites, too!

  9. omega57 says:

    Thanks for sharing your favs and links too! Enjoy your Sunday evening.

I love hearing from you! Thank you so much for your comment!


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