A Small Sign

When we moved in to this house twelve years ago we discovered something we didn’t expect.

Our new neighborhood — which consisted of only a handful of completed homes — was crawling with 
door-to-door sales people.

I vividly remember the day when SIX sales people came to my door.  Yes.  In ONE day.  Six.
I don’t remember what all of them were selling, but I distinctly remember the guy who was selling meat.  He wanted to come in to my house and cook it for me so I could taste it for myself.  That was a little scary.
Thankfully, it was at the same time my husband pulled up in front of the house.  He didn’t bother parking in the garage that day.  He stopped right next to the guy’s truck and asked him to kindly leave his wife alone and that there was no way he was stepping one foot inside our home.  
If the man had a tail, it would have been between his legs as he left.
Then, there was my personal all-time favorite.  
A young person from the inner city came knocking on the door selling magazine subscriptions.  We had lived in the house for quite awhile at this time and these visitors were frequent.  So, by this time I had a hastily-made a “No Solicitors” sign hung with Scotch tape on our glass door.  
However, this tenacious young salesperson wouldn’t adhere to the visible sign and kept knocking.  I pointed to the sign through the glass and shook my head “no.”
He spoke loudly through the door, “I thought that was for prostitutes!”
My husband, who works from home and was grumpy that day, opened the door and shouted at him, “SERIOUSLY?!! It means, NO SELLING OF ANY KIND!” and slammed the door.  
I busted out laughing.  
It still makes me laugh!
That little paper sign hung there for a long time and then it finally curled up and fell off the window.  
This weekend, I made a proper replacement.  It’s safely hung on the inside of the window.
It’s been pretty quiet around here lately, but I’m not taking any chances.  
Now…what can I do about those annoying phone calls?

P.S. By the way, I used my easy chalkboard lettering technique to make the sign.

P.P.S.  Don’t forget to check out my big Amazon gift card giveaway!  The raffle is open until Friday, June 7.

Linking up to:
Savvy Southern Style
No Minimalist Here
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  1. Kaila Ramsey says:

    I love this! I think I will make something real soon! Thanks for the idea!

  2. This sign is adorable and MUCH more my style and polite than th crazy red no solicitors sign my husband has put on our front porch! I need to try my hand at crafting something like this!

  3. That’s great! Isn’t it amazing how many people come by especially when you first move in? We have been in our house one year today. Still…yard workers, house cleaners, alarm system people, magazine sales, cleaning products, etc. It’s so awkward to stand there and try to be polite then say no. They have pre-programmed answers no matter what you say. I wish there was a city ordinance against it.

  4. I had to come back and say your yard is beautiful!!

  5. I have used your chalkboard technique and it has saved me time and considerable hair pulling. Thanks!

    Your yard is wonderful. How do you keep your salvias so short? Do you cut them back?

  6. 9d8e527e-10ab-11e1-ab45-000f20980440 says:

    Your yard is simply stunning! I love your sign, it’s so genteel. Our neighborhood put up a “No Solicitors” sign at both entrances which has helped a lot. Several years ago, we too, would get lots of the same solicitors. Diana

    • Julie {Lilacs and Longhorns} says:

      Thank you, Diana! I always love my yard this time of year. Come August…that’s a different story! :) Thanks for taking the time to comment!

  7. Sharon @ mrshinesclass says:

    Julie when we moved into our neighborhood it was still under construction as well, and we had a lot of solicitors as well…vacuum salesmen, pest control, water purification…you name it. They were really taking advantage of the new market.

    We rarely get solicitors now. I guess now that our neighborhood is several years old we’re chopped liver. LOL

    Fun post! Thanks for sharing.

  8. Tara @ Suburble says:

    Oh that is too funny – “I thought that was for prostitutes!”

    Well yes, please don’t prostitute yourself at my door either!

    Great sign! I think I need one of these!

    • Julie {Lilacs and Longhorns} says:

      I chuckle every time I think of that guy. I’m not sure if he was being serious or a smart a**. Either way, it made me laugh!!


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