Spring Is Here!

It’s been crazy busy lately.  So busy I’ve barely stopped to notice my surroundings.

Then, on my walk back from bringing my daughter to school, I saw it…

Spring is here!

I know many of you are still in the middle of snow storms and spring seems so far away, but if it’s happening here, it will be on your way soon.

Carolina Jessamine

Until then, I hope you enjoy some of my pictures.

Last week, I noticed the vine around our pool equipment had little flower buds on it, but today they’re really starting to pop!

It’s a spring bloomer only, so I really look forward to seeing this vine awash in yellow bell-shaped flowers.

Carolina Jessamine

Just seeing them makes me happy!

Our Red Bud tree is also starting to show little blooms, too!  It’s also a favorite sight in the spring!

Red Bud

I wasn’t sure my Forsythia was going to make it through the crazy hot heat last summer, so I’m so happy to see little blooms starting to appear!


Even my little Grape Hyacinth is starting to bloom.  It’s only a few inches high, but beautiful all the same.

Grape Hyacinth

And, one final little surprise in the garden this morning…

My daughter must have put these here yesterday when I was working on my Easter mantel.  I didn’t know she put them in the flower bed!  They’re so small. The egg is a little bigger than an actual egg, so that bunny is only about an inch tall.  It’s a nice little surprise, I think!

I’m excited to see more things pop up and bloom in the yard!  I love Spring!

Happy Spring to you all!

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Savvy Southern Style
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  1. Beautiful Julie! In Oklahoma we were never able to keep Carolina Jessamine growing. It would try but freeze back. A few weeks ago we planted some in our front flower bed. :) We have so much planting to do but we are looking forward t it.

  2. Jayma DuChene says:

    LOVE this!

    Have a Beautifully Blessed Day…
    Jayma | http://jaymastips.blogspot.com


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