Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!

My 8-year-old daughter came down to my bedroom this morning with a green bow in her hair.

She’s not usually the bow-in-the-hair type, but today is Saint Patrick’s Day and she’s celebrating! (By the way, she has Irish genes but I’m pure Scandinavian.)

She asked me if I was wearing anything green today.

I was wearing blue pajamas.  Ooops!

If there is ever a holiday, my sweet daughter is the first one to celebrate it!


She was kind of hoping I would decorate for St. Patrick’s Day.



I didn’t.

She is also kind of hoping we’ll have a full blown St. Patty’s Day party at our house.


We won’t.

So, I’m celebrating on the blog today so she’ll getting a little something to honor St. Patty’s Day.


Maybe I’ll even pick up some green cookies at the store or something.


Is there enough green St. Patty’s Day stuff for you here today?


Maybe not.  but, it will have to do.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

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  1. Sumaya at Evocative Vintage says:

    Happy St Patrick’s day Julie. Your daughter is adorable and thanks for sharing all those beautiful displays. Green really lifts my spirits.

    Happy week ahead!

  2. Lisa @ Texas Decor says:

    Happy St. Patrick’s Day! I may need to pick up some green cookies myself. Thanks for reminding me! :)That pic of your daughter in the green bow is precious!



  1. St Patrick's Day Decorations says:

    […] source […]


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