The Things That Matter

I have liked Nate Berkus since the first day he stepped on to Oprah’s stage and revealed a tiny apartment makeover.  I like his style, I like his design philosophy and because he’s also from Minneapolis and we’re close in age, I feel like he’s a bit of kindred spirit — we were both born in September and are anal about organization. We were also probably re-arranging our bedrooms at the same time when we were kids! (We’re practically twins, I know!)

I received his book for Christmas.

I’ve been meaning to do more than just look at the pictures and read a few paragraphs here and there, but after seeing Part One of Oprah’s interview with him on OWN on Sunday (click here to view the interview on the OWN website) I finally picked up the book and started reading it all the way through.

His book is a great read and is not just another pretty coffee table book.  I love the fact that he gets personal and tells his story.  It’s kind of a “decorating-book-meets-biography-meets-real-life-stories” book and it was such a fun, deep and enlightening read!

He was so open and forthcoming about his passion for design, his personal experiences and how he came to his design philosophy.  He also shares pictures from his own home as well as homes that illustrate his point of decorating with things that matter to you.  After reading it, I feel like I really understand what it means to make your home tell the story of who you are and I couldn’t agree more with his decorating philosophy.

Great job, Nate!  I love you more than ever and your book will forever be on my coffee table (or maybe a shelf…it will get moved around but it will always be in my home)!

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  1. I’ve heard such great things about his book! I need to grab it. But I have three decorating-related coffee table books sitting out right now whose covers I have not even cracked. Oops.

    Kelly @ View Along the Way

  2. I read his interview in Matchbook Magazine this month and after your review, I really want this book! It really seems to sum up my [crazy] decorating style and why I’ve always been attracted to his taste. He seems like an incerdible guy and I feel inspired by how he is using his second chance at life. What a fun person to be a kindred spirit with!

  3. Mandi Roach says:

    Hi there! I have ventured over from the Texas Bloggers blog. I’m enjoying this little peak into your world! XOXO Mandi Roach

  4. I’m glad to hear a review on this book. My mom introduced me to Nate…my mom never misses Oprah in any form. I’ll have to get the book.

  5. Jenna LaFevor says:

    Julie, Isn’t Nate just great?! Wanted to let you know I was at my local Target yesterday and his whole line of home decor was on clearance!! They had some really great stuff at good prices! I picked up one of his baskets for $10! Don’t know if its on clearance where you are, but it could be worth a shot to check out!

    By the way, I’m having an Advertising Giveaway on my blog! Would love it if you entered. Just go here for all the details:

    Jenna @


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