Annie Sloan Blues

I was surfing my favorite blogs this morning and saw Thrifty Decor Chick’s post about her new ASCP Aubusson Blue dresser in her foyer.

Isn’t it gorgeous?!

If you’ve been hanging around here for any length of time, you have probably figured out that I am a sucker for the color blue.  When I started thinking about it, it made me kind of chuckle.

My living room walls are sort of a gray/blue.

And, I painted my coffee table in ASCP Aubusson Blue with Annie’s dark wax.

After that, I bought a little china hutch off of Craig’s list and fixed it up with ASCP Old Violet (which looks more light blue in my dining room) and a couple of coats of clear wax.

I used the same paint again — but this time with dark wax — when I made my little chalkboard easel that sits on my front porch.

Still not finished with my adventures in blue, I mixed my ASCP Aubusson Blue and Old Violet to make this lovely shade on my little metal pail.

I brushed on a thin layer of dark wax and did a little sanding to give it a more vintage look.

I totally love this color on my little pail!!

Am I finished with blue?

Not quite.

I couldn’t resist this little sampler of Napoleonic Blue in ASCP.  I’m thinking it would look great on my son’s dresser or even over my little china hutch?  Not sure, that’s why I only bought a sample.

It’s just such a rich blue, I couldn’t resist!  Besides, my husband likes strong blues…not “wimpy” pale blues so the Old Violet hutch isn’t his favorite.  Not me.  I love almost all shades of blue.

Okay.  All of this blue is getting to be a little bit much.  I think I need help.

Linking up to:
Common Ground
Miss Mustard Seed
Jennifer Rizzo
The Rustic Pig
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  1. I love your signature color! It is so calming and I think it makes a great transition from the rustic and French accents in your home. You home reminds me of a perfect modern B&B – I want to come spend the night!

    • Come on over, Lilly! :) However, given the age of my children, I don’t think our home is too “calming” right now – ha!

  2. The blue is beautiful in our home. Especially love the red and white buffalo check mixed in there. Very pretty.

    • Thank you so much, Stacey! BTW, I love the name of your blog…it makes me laugh because my husband is always giving me a bad time for the amount of pillows we have in our house. I have a bit of a sickness, I’m afraid! lol

      Your home looks lovely. And, it looks like you’re also in DFW. Welcome back to TX! :)

  3. Sarah @ Thrifty Decor Chick says:

    So pretty!! I love that little pail too — there are so many options with that paint!

  4. says:

    Love that hutch! You have talked about ASCP before. What is so special about it? I have a huge steamer trunk that needs a face lift. Should I try this paint?

    • I think ASCP would be perfect for your steamer! The paint is water based and it’s very easy to work with and to clean up. Unfortunately, it’s expensive, so expect to pay around $35 – $40 for a can. However, even on your steamer trunk project you will have plenty left over for other projects. Since a lot of people have questions about ASCP, I will write a post about the pros and the cons so everyone can get their questions answered. :)

  5. Debra @ Common Ground says:

    love those blues! your red/white pillows are so wonderful, love that great pop of red!!

  6. carol jane says:

    Where do you buy the samples of ASCP? I have been dying to try it!

    • Any ASCP retailer should have the samples available. I’ll warn you, however, that even the samples aren’t very cheap. I found a new retailer near me and her samples were $14.95 (I’ve gotten them for around $10 before.) If you have a small piece you might not need more than a sample. The paint has pretty good coverage, but it depends on what you’re painting. I only used a sample on my coffee table and had some left over!

  7. Finding Home says:

    Wow – so pretty! Well done! Take care, Laura

  8. tidyawaytoday says:

    Your Old Violet china hutch is how I found your blog, Julie! It still looks stunning.


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