Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Million Dollar Decorators {My Junk T.V. Habit}

Do any of you watch "Million Dollar Decorators" on Bravo? 

I don't know where I've been but I just now realized that the show is back on for it's second season. Actually, it could be their third season for all I know because I just now tuned in after being a faithful watcher the first season Million Dollar Decorators was on.

Like the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills (which could be another blog post), I am a total sucker for this show.  Why?  Because these decorators are very wealthy and so are their clients. But, it's not the money that interests me.  It's how they live and how they act.  I mean, I don't know about you, but I am not independently wealthy, I don't walk around in high heals all day, I don't have my lips botoxed and I do not air kiss my friends and acquaintances whenever I see them.  I also don't call people "darling."  Not even my husband.

Their lifestyle and their behavior is utterly fascinating.  And, I can't deny that their decorating talent is unbelievable.  It's like the ultimate makeover show with crazy, weird behavior.

Last night, for example, Martyn Lawrence Bullard was decorating actress Stacy Dash's home (she was in the movie, "Clueless") and I don't know what the decorating budget was but the super fluffy, furry rug in her bedroom cost $10,000.  She had her entire house re-done, including a kitchen reno.  I'm figuring the decorating budget had to be somewhere around $500,000 - $750,000 -- well, really I don't know.  It was probably a million dollars give or take.  

As if almost a million dollar decorating budget weren't enough, the reaction Stacy had when she saw her new and improved home say the least. The woman practically had an orgasm on top of her new fur throw and 2000 thread count bedding.  And, yes, you didn't read that wrong...I just said "orgasm" on this blog!  Aaack!  I apologize if I threw you off guard there but I'm not lying. And, I don't every intend on using that word on this blog here again.  But, when you see her behavior, what other word is there?! 

Here's what Martyn said on his blog this morning re-capping last night's episode:

"Upon seeing the finishing touches (the fainting couch, the fur blanket, the crystal wall lights, and silver brocade pillows) Stacey throws herself on everything, moaning in pure ecstasy!" 

Okay.  When I watch decorating re-do's on Nate Berkus or on HGTV, I NEVER, EVER see someone moan in pure ecstacy.  I mean, NEVER.   Who does this?  Only on reality t.v., my friend.  And, I am the sucker who is tuning in. 

Now, before I go on I have to defend myself a little here.  I really am not a reality t.v. junkie.  For the most part, I tend to think it's trash television.  But, there is something about seeing how the "other half" lives that is just intriguing to me.  And, on this show, not only do we get to witness their fancy lunches and meetings with celebrities, we get to see how they decorate their homes!  They drive Maseratis and Bentleys and fly to Europe to buy antiques for their clients.  I mean, these people are my complete opposites. 

I have to say, however, that I really have no desire to live in their world.  I really and truly don't.  Their lives seem exhausting. I mean, all that primping and making sure you're wearing the right shoes and carrying the right bag.  Not to mention all of the air kissing and "dahhlings" being cast around. 

No. Not me.  I'll take my life in boring little suburbia any day of the week.  I like going to garage sales, shopping at Home Goods and making my home cozy one bargain at a time.  It suits me.

I'll leave the $10,000 rug shopping to the Million Dollar Decorators.  But, I will, however, be the one watching them  and making fun of their antics while sewing slipcovers made of Home Depot dropcloths.  Now that sounds like a lot of fun, daahhhling!


  1. Stacey {steward of design}December 13, 2012 at 11:39 AM

    I am hooked on this show too! They are all so far removed from reality, especially Martyn but I guess that's the fun of the show. I cracked up on the last show when Jeffrey was told the rug he was waiting for was available just yet, and he asked if the rug was at lunch. Too fun!

    1. JulieDecember 13, 2012 at 4:37 PM

      Far removed from reality is right on! It's really hard not to laugh. I'm sure my jaw is hanging open a good amount of the time I'm watching the show. It really is a riot!


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