Wednesday, November 14, 2012

A Weird Week

I'm sure everyone has had a week or even a day where you have grand plans to get things done and despite all your running around nothing does get done?  At least, not the things you planned to get done.

Well, that describes my week.  I've done a lot of running around and feel like I've got very little to show for my efforts.  It's not that I'm having a bad week per se, I just feel like a hamster running on a treadmill.

I'll spare you the details, but thought I would at least get a blog post done (even if it's small).

Today it seems appropriate to share a few words of wisdom that are keeping me inspired.  Sometimes a few good words are all I need to keep forging ahead.

For all the crafting and projects I have on my list:

For doing the right thing instead of the easiest:

For things not going the way I planned:

Here's to hoping your week is going well!

(all pictures can be found here on my Words of Wisdom Pinterest board)

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