Fall Favorites Friday #1 {Making a Fall Wreath}

Welcome to my first Fall Favorites Friday!  Each Friday this fall I’ll be sharing some of my favorite fall projects, recipes, inspiration, etc.  I’m excited to get started!

Today I’m going to show you how I made this fall wreath that’s on my fall mantle.

It was super easy and super cheap.  Love that.

First, I bought a plain twiggy wreath at Hobby Lobby for around $4 (I had a coupon). 

Then I rummaged around my fall decor stuff and found that I had a lot of old faux foliage I could use instead of buying new (whenever I stop using a faux floral arrangement I save pieces of it that I might be able to re-use). 

I gathered up some real acorns that my daughter and I found while walking home from school and decided that I would also make some burlap fabric flowers to add to the wreath.  (I don’t have any pictures of myself doing this step, but there is a great tutorial for making fabric flowers at the My Sparkle blog.) 

With all of my ingredients ready I set things on the wreath to see where I wanted to position it and then started hot-gluing everything on.

Within a few short minutes it looked like this (I left some of the burlap a little stringy because I thought it was kinda cute that way):

Then I turned it over and added a little twine loop to the back for hanging.  I just tied a knot, snipped the extra ends and hot-glued it on.

And there you have it!  A super simple wreath.

If you have any great projects you’d like to share, leave a comment below with a link to your site so I can drop by your blog to see it. 

Also, I have a fall giveaway, so please stop by this post to leave a comment and register to win.

Happy Fall!

Linking up to:
Jennifer Rizzo
Not Just a Housewife
DIY by Design
Claiming Our Space
Homemaker on a Dime
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  1. Stephanie @ Hugs, Kisses and Snot says:

    Love the burlap flowers. Great idea

  2. Laurel Leaf Cottage says:

    Super cute! I like the flowers!! Do you just roll up the burlap to make them?? Cute sign too!! I’m now following! Have a great day! ~ Deanna

  3. Sharon @ Elizabeth & Co. says:

    Love your rustic wreath and your whole mantel looks great!

  4. Sharon @ Elizabeth & Co. says:

    Love your rustic wreath and your whole mantel looks great!

  5. Sharon @ Elizabeth & Co. says:

    Happy to feature you at the party this morning!

  6. Sharon @ Elizabeth & Co. says:

    Happy to feature you at the party this morning!


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