Monday, September 24, 2012

Monday Blahs

Since becoming a stay-at-home mom over 10 years ago Mondays never seemed so bad.  They were a day like any other, really.  An occassional grumble, perhaps, when school started but nothing too bad. 

Until now.

Trying to wake a certain someone (who shall remain nameless), who is now in Intermediate school and has to wake up almost an hour earlier than last year has become -- shall we say -- painful.

Oh the grumbling.  The groaning.  The moaning.  The cursing of life!

Yep.  That's how it went this morning.

Let's hope things are a little more positive when the bell rings today.  I threw a couple of Hershey's kisses into his lunch box hoping that might be a nice surprise.

Here's to looking on the bright side!

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