Saturday, September 29, 2012

Flea Market Flip on HGTV

Have you seen the new HGTV show "Flea Market Flip?" 

(I'd love to show you a picture of the show's logo or something right here but HGTV doesn't seem to be promoting this show much on their site.  Weird!)

I saw it for the very first time last night.  But, when I went to to learn more about it, I read that it's been airing since April?  But, then I looked at Lara Spencer's Twitter page and it looks like last night was the premier?  Don't know!  But, I'm telling you I love this show!

Lara Spencer is the creator and executive producer of the show.  She is also the host. 

Two teams (consisting of two people) have to scour a flea market in one hour and have to find stuff to fulfill three challenges.  Last night they had to find: an upholstery project, a table and some kind of lighting.

Each team is given $500 to spend.  After they find their stuff, they have one day to fix up their finds before they sell them at the flea market.  The team that earns the most profit wins. 

Fun!  But, truth be told, I was also a teensy bit conflicted about the whole idea of this show being aired on t.v. for all of America to see.  Most of us DIYers have been fixing up Craig's list, flea market and garage sale finds for a long time.  This show totally outs us!  And, they make it look fun!  Oh crap.  Finding deals just got harder.

Truthfully, this isn't the first show to out us.  I mean, Nate Berkus was showing us this kind of stuff all the time.  Maybe it's the fact that we actually get to see how much money was spent on the project and then what kind of profit was made that worries me.  I mean, last night a lamp was made for $20 and sold for $300!  Holy cow! 

I'm taking solace in the fact that there will always be people who don't want to take the time to fix something up.  And, there will be those who just can't see the potential.

You go Lara Spencer!  I, for one, will be watching!

Click here for the TV Guide listing.


  1. SweetPepperRoseSeptember 29, 2012 at 4:28 PM

    I haven't seen it yet, but would love to. There have always been those that either don't want to fix their things up, don't have the time/money/talent, or as you said, the insight for potential. Thanks for sharing ;-)

    1. JulieOctober 3, 2012 at 8:26 AM

      Good points! It's easy to forget that not everyone has an affinity for fixing things up. :)

  • Stephanie @ Hugs, Kisses and SnotSeptember 30, 2012 at 1:15 PM

    I haven't seen this yet but I LOVE the flea and finding treasures for next to nothing. Sounds right up my alley. I don't think you need to worry about your favorite flea market from being overrun w/ Flea Market Flip band waggoners...either you have it in you to bargain shop or you don't. Those who don't pay full price.

    1. JulieOctober 3, 2012 at 8:27 AM

      Very true, Stephanie. Not everyone likes the hunt for the bargain or taking the time to bring an old thing back to life. :)

  • Adele Bee AnnOctober 3, 2012 at 6:12 AM

    Hi Julie. Happy to have found your blog, I too am a DIYer. In fact I was part of the Flea Market Flip team, Susan from the premiere episode. I've been 'flipping' for many years. I don't think you need to worry, there never seems to be a shortage of finds to flip. And, to you flipping seems easy but that's because you have a talent for it. Many people, especially those who shop urban area flea markets haven't a clue. I'm looking forward to following your blog. You can find me on FB and my blog at:

    1. JulieOctober 3, 2012 at 8:31 AM

      How exciting that you were on this show! It must have been so much fun!

      You're right that there will always be bargains to find. However, I am noticing that Craig's list isn't as good as it used to be though...lots of flippers selling their upcycled stuff and the real deals go very, very fast. But, there are still flea markets and garage sales, and of course stuff that people discard on the side of the road.

      Thanks for checking out my blog and linking back to this post on your site. I love all your vintage patterns...once upon a time my mom had a treasure trove of those but I think she got rid of them when they downsized.


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