Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Fall Giveaway! Burlap Fall Sign

As promised, I'm back with a giveaway..a few days late, but I didn't forget.

Remember the little burlap fall sign I made last week? 

That's the giveaway! 

It's made of upholstery-grade burlap, which basically means that it is a tightly woven, very durable burlap.  It is hand stenciled by yours truly and frayed slightly at the bottom.

Just leave a comment letting me know you'd like to be entered in the giveaway and I will randomly choose a winner next week (so you have a whole week to enter!).  I will announce the winner on Wednesday October 10.  To make it a little more interesting, when you leave a comment, tell me what you love most about fall and that's it! 

Happy Fall!


  1. AngieOctober 3, 2012 at 10:25 PM

    These are so cute! I've always wanted to sit down and make some banners but have never taken the time. I especially love the design you put on them. My favorite thing about fall would have to be all of the beautiful colors of the changing leaves.

  2. leslieOctober 8, 2012 at 1:08 PM

    This is so cute. Where do you get upholstery burlap vs. the plain old burlap? I would love to win your cute banner. I love the colors of fall and the smell of pumpkin spice candles!

  3. Forever Memories PhotographyOctober 10, 2012 at 8:58 AM

    I love when the leaves turn...
    [email protected]

    JOye Barr

  4. SJ @ Homemaker On A DimeOctober 10, 2012 at 4:29 PM

    What I love about autumn, are when the leaves turn orange and red. I love the crunching sound under my feet. Thanks for linking up to Market Your Biz and Giveaways:)


Thanks so much for your comment, I love hearing from you!