Mud Closet Project

Sometimes I wonder who designed my house because that person obviously wasn’t someone who did daily tasks such as laundry, unloading armfuls of groceries or keeping kids stuff like school bags, shoes and jackets organized.

There is a very tight space right off of our kitchen where I think a proper mud room area should be.  But, there isn’t one so what to do?!

For years I have wished I could have a large wall with a row of hooks and a bench for sitting and space for shoes and whatnot. 

Source: Pinterest 
 Source: Pinterest
Source: Pinterest

Then after seeing some smaller mud spaces on Pinterest and in magazines it got me thinking…

Source: Pinterest

Source:  BHG

Maybe I could squeeze something in my tight space after all? 

After a lot of researching and figuring how to re-organize all of our stuff, I finally figured out how to best use the space I have.  It’s not fancy but it is completely functional and I love it! 

Updated photo 11/19/2012

We took a closet we were using to store the vaccuum, cleaning supplies and a lot of other miscellaneous stuff and turned it into a “mud closet.”  Unfortunately I don’t have any “before” pictures because when I get on a mission, I sort of forget about that kind of thing…but you all know what a closet with a door looks like and that’s exactly what we were dealing with!

Forgive the pictures…I’m working on my photography skills and clearly, I’m starting at square one!  Here’s the small space we transformed:

Until recently, this tiny “hallway” accommodated three doors that swung open. Yes. Three. The closet door, the laundry room door and the door to the garage.
First, I painted the garage door with several layers of magnetic paint and then chalkboard paint for school reminders and then got to work on transforming the closet itself.

I found new places for the stuff in the closet and threw away a lot of things I didn’t need.  Then my husband took the door off the closet.

We added beadboard wainscoting to “line” the closet walls to make it pretty and durable and then we installed a seat.  I added a 1 x 4 board and installed 4 hooks from Lowes.  I also added some decorative moldings to finish off the top of the beadboard and the front of the seat.

I cut an inexpensive rug from IKEA to lay on top of the bench instead of using a cushion.  Right now, my kids still have to step on the seat to reach things on the shelf so I figured a rug was more durable.  Someday I’ll make a fluffy cushion.

Then, I added baskets from Target and labeled them with cute little labels I printed out from and laminated them with a 3M laminate-your-own-luggage-tag “kit” I found at Target (like these).

Update (11/19/2012) Here’s my “prettied up” picture.  I have figured out a few photography tricks now but still have a long way to go!

I can’t believe how functional this tiny space is now.  It is, honestly, the best thing we’ve done to our house since having children.  I’m in love with it!

Linking up to:
Savvy Southern Style for her “Wow Us Wednesdays”
Thrifty Decor Chick
Jennifer Rizzo Fabulous Creative Friday
AKA Design DIY Party
Claiming Our Space “Tout it Tuesday”

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  1. Claiming Our Space says:

    I love this after. I too long for a proper mud room but don’t even have a closet to convert. (sigh!) Thanks so much for sharing on Tout It Tuesday. Hope to see you this week!

  2. I am in LOVE with this! My mom has a bunch of long, shallow closets in her home and I have always dreamed of doing this with them. You did a great job!


  3. Visiting fro Thrifty Decor Chick link up — Love how you transformed a small space into something useful!

  4. xoxo sasha says:

    Thrifty Decor Chic led me to your mud closet. I absolutely love this and I’m trying to think of ways to create my own version! Your closet looks bigger than the ones I have in my home, but I’m still going to try it! Great job :D

  5. xoxo sasha says:

    Thrifty Decor Chic led me to your mud closet. I absolutely love this and I’m trying to think of ways to create my own version! Your closet looks bigger than the ones I have in my home, but I’m still going to try it! Great job :D

  6. What a great idea! Why didn’t I think of this?? I think I might need to steal this idea :)

  7. Christine says:

    I just found this on pinterest. I think we live in the same house! My “great room” is too small to be great at anything, lol! But I do have one of these closets that I have been giving a lot of thought to…….

  8. April Hoff says:

    What a smart use of space! So functional and cute! Newest follower!

    April Hoff

  9. Speed Chic says:

    OMG, I love this! The one flaw in my layout is no mud room! argh. New England winters need a mud room. I DO have a kitchen closet though–you did a great job and cute idea…

  10. Angela Lathrop says:

    This is SO nice and looks like something I can do in my front entry closet. What are the dimensions of yours? Mine is 21″ deep and only 32″ wide, so I am worried that it won’t be wide enough and look too cramped. My front closet is currently basically just a rod with a few coats hanging, and a 3-4 fott high pile of STUFF on the floor. I can’t take it anymore!



  1. […] I can add as many as I need.  This small change makes this board function perfectly in my small “mud area.”   I’ll be posting more about that space soon so you can see all of my updates that are […]


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