Kitchen Lid Organization

Awhile back I was browsing Pinterest and saw this idea:

Source: The Complete Guide to Imperfect Homemaking blog

How ingenious! She used a simple, cheap tension rod to organize pots and pans lids — why didn’t I think of this? I love it!

Today I was at Walmart and saw the curtain rods and remembered this idea.  (Of course, I think of this idea every time I wrestle the pans out of the drawer while they’re buried under a few lids but usually forget about it when I’m shopping — until today!)

To be honest, my pots and pans drawer was not in that bad of shape.  I’m a bit anal about organization and that’s why I figured there was definitely room for improvement!

Look at it now! (Sorry the picture is a little blurry.)

Two of my lids were too large to stand on their sides so one is still leaning over the pans and the other I turned upside-down and put over my large stock pot.  Still, having three fewer lids to get in my way makes me happy.  And, this project cost less than $2.50.  So there you have it!  Thank you Kelly at Imperfect Homemaking — you rock!

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