Fighting Summer Boredom

School starts in two and a half weeks and the kids are a little bored.  What to do?

At the beginning of the summer I scoured Pinterest and craft blogs for some summer boredom ideas and came up with this:

Popsicle sticks with fun activities written on each one.  When someone says, “I’m bored” they can pick a stick at random and do what it says.  There are even a few chores thrown in to get them to think twice before telling me they can’t think of anything to do. 

To be honest, we haven’t used it much.  We have been keeping pretty busy with camps, friends and swimming in our backyard pool  But this week is a different story.  With no camps and friends away on vacation we needed a diversion! 

I told the kids to choose 3 sticks…the ideas they most wanted to do.  Here’s what they chose:

Idea #1:  Build a fort.  Hooray!  They raced upstairs and started building.  They were quiet for 30 whole minutes.  When they were done they yelled to tell me they were finished and would I please come and look at it.  So I did.

“Great job you two!” I praised. 

Kids: “Okay.  So now what do we do?”


“Now you play in it!” I exclaimed. 

Quizzical looks on their faces. 

“If you don’t want to play in it you can make it bigger.  We have more blankets.” 

Son:  “That takes too much work.”

Daughter:  “Yeah.  I don’t want to make it bigger.”

Me:  “So play in it then.  Read a book in it.  Have a puppet show in it.” 

Son/Daughter together:  “No.”

Ugh.  On to Activity #2.  We’ll see how long that lasts. 

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