Dreaming About Kids’ Rooms

School starts tomorrow so for the past two days I’ve been working with the kids to get their rooms tidied up before the start of the new school year. 

Not “tidying up” so much as organizing and purging.  Am I a fun mom or what?! 

Is it just my own kids or do others suffer from a minor hoarding addication as well?  As we went through their drawers and bins we easily threw away a gazillion super balls, countless candy wrappers (yes, with no candy in them), and who knows how many dollar store toys from birthday parties.  Unfortunately, the list could go on!  Earlier this morning, my daughter was struggling through which stuffed animals to let go of and which ones to keep.  It wasn’t pretty.  She has at least 100 stuffed animals.  Gah! 

It seemed like we’d never reach the end and – in my perfectionist eyes – we’re not quite there yet, but I told them “good job” and let them have some fun with friends.  When they’re in school I’ll finess it a little and go all Container Store on them.  Ha!

Until then, I thought I’d share a little kids study area and bedroom inspiration.   I’m dreaming of neat, tidy and cute kids spaces!

First some boys rooms:
(All pictures from Houzz.com)

Love the cabinets and storage here below:
Traditional Kids design by New York MARIANNE LARSEN

Cool palette headboard and wall collage:
Eclectic Kids design by Atlanta Interior Designer Cristi Holcombe

I really like this idea of the corkboard wall:

Contemporary Kids design by San Francisco Interior Designer lisa rubenstein – real rooms design
The chalkboard walls are cool too.
Modern Kids design by Dc Metro Interior Designer Laura Manning Bendik

And, the girls:

Such a pretty and functional wall unit.

Traditional Kids design by New York Interior Designer Cindy Rinfret
This is such a pretty and feminine girl’s room and I like the desk.
Eclectic Kids design by Chicago Interior Designer Shelly Walton
I love the blue and green in this room!
Eclectic Kids design by Other Metros Interior Designer Seaside Interiors

This is the same bedspread my daughter has from Pottery Barn. I love that the headboard is a large corkboard !

Modern Kids design by Dc Metro Architect Carlyn And Company Interiors + Design

Have you found any good inspiration lately? 


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  1. TidyAwayToday says:

    Hi Julie, my boys start back at school next week, like you I’ve been busy dreaming about kids rooms and what I’ll be planning to do with them, once I get a little more time. Major purge and makeover ahead for us! Antonia x


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