A Special Garden Treat

Last night I was putting some burgers on the grill when my husband noticed a butterfly just out of its cocoon.  The cocoon was hanging from an iron shelf “thingie” I have on my patio and the butterfly was pumping its wings getting ready for flight.  Exciting and beautiful!  Here are a few pictures:

(You can see the cocoon here at the lower left.)

(Close-up of the cocoon!)

I also took a few pictures around my garden.  Some of the flowers in my garden are a special treat this year.  Texas has “enjoyed” the driest summer on record, even outdoing the great Dust Bowl of the 1950s.  Seeing so many flowers in bloom is a breath of fresh air, particularly since I lost several plants and shrubs this summer.  Here’s just a sample of what’s blooming:

(Probably the last bouquet of roses from my garden.  The yellow is the “Julia Child” rose – nice buttery yellow!  The other I can’t remember the name but both are fragrant and beautiful — LOVE it!)

I’m going to enjoy my garden while it lasts…there’s a good chance for frost and maybe even a freeze tonight so we’ll see what’s still around tomorrow.  Happy Fall!

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